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Letter to the Editor: Voting for the Monument


Unfortunately the citizens of Emery County, and others who just like to go out for a drive on weekends, stop and walk around, maybe bring their lunch and eat in a peaceful place and look at God’s creation, are being bombarded by two extremist groups. The wilderness (SUWA) people, who don’t want you to be able to go anywhere, and the ATV people, who want to go everywhere. I am not for wilderness. God made these wonders for everyone to see and appreciate. If it is made into wilderness, who will get to appreciate his handy work? At the same time, I don’t know why some people believe they have to take their ATVs off the main roads and trails and break new trails or go up a hill to see how far they can get. These people who disrespect the land are giving SUWA the ammunition they need to say, “see the damage they are doing.” But SUWA doesn’t play fair either. You can go to their website and see pictures they claim are the San Rafael Swell and the damage being done. I don’t know where they took these pictures but it sure wasn’t the San Rafael Swell. So this is the dilemma: Do we go with a national monument, where at least there will be access, or let the powerful wilderness group dictate the way it will be, and have no access at all! I would love for it to be as it used to be, but being a realist, I am voting for the national monument idea because these two extremist groups will never compromise! And you and me will be caught in the middle, or and worse – locked out!

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