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Small Business Development Center Graduates Announced



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The three students on the right include Shellet Rowley, Jed and Karrie Behling, with instructor of the class, Brett Behling, on the left.

The Small Business Development Center announced its recent graduates through the NxLeveL business Training Course. NxLeveL teaches business owners or perspective business owners the fundamentals of business planning: management, marketing and financial statement preparation.
The Small Business Development Center, located in Price, in cooperation with the Utah Small Business Development Center Network, the Utah Development of Community and Economic Development, the Small Business Administration and Zions Bank sponsor the NxLeveL (pronounced “next level”) business training program.
The program is available to anyone in Emery, Carbon, Grand and San Juan counties.
NxLeveL is a business and entrepreneurial training course that provides a practical hands-on and common sense approach to getting the skills needed to establish and grow successful business ventures. Certified and experienced business instructors teach the course. NxLeveL is the best, most comprehensive business training course available in the State of Utah.
Benefits of the NxLeveL training program include: personalized business counseling and coaching; insights from a variety of experts; networking opportunities with other business owners; complete and detailed business plan to use as a management tool as well as a tool to seek financing; and, an excellent textbook, workbook and resource guide.

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