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Rodeo Ruckus



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Emery High Rodeo Club hosts annual event

Trent Moosman gives bull riding a try as the bull fighter comes to his rescue.

The Emery High Rodeo Club held their annual rodeo at the Castle Dale Arena on April 18 and 19. Participants competed in team roping, barrel racing, bull riding, pole bending, goat tying, saddle bronc riding, breakaway roping, steer wrestling, bareback riding, queen contest, calf roping, and cutting horse. The rodeo team consists of Chet Allred, Colton Allred, Kade Allred, Kortnie Anderson, Trista Beagley, Brooks Behling, Tiana Hansen, Trent Moosman, Revis Rogers, Seth Weber, Kerwin Jensen and Zac Jensen. The participants from Emery High did well over the course of the weekend. More than 600 participants participated in the two day event which worked together with the Carbon High Rodeo and attracted participants to both events. Evelyn Allred is the rodeo advisor.
Emery High School Rodeo Club Seniors were honored just before the rodeo began. The Seniors are Colton Allred, Kortnie Anderson, Trista Beagley and Seth Weber. Each of the seniors were presented with a belt buckle and the seniors honored their instructor, Evelyn Allred, with a new jacket.

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