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Homecoming 2003: Lady Spartans Eat Rabbit for Lunch



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Lady Spartans play tough against the Dinos and the Rabbits at the Spartan Center on Tuesday and Thursday of Homecoming week. They lost to the Dinos, but won over Delta.

In the men’s division: Rick Simons, Clayton Ward, Nathan Johansen and Steve Burke won first place. Three teams tied for second and ended up second, third and fourth; Jim Hansen, Lond Wakefield and Norm Richardson were one team; another team consisted of Chandler Pearson, Kelly Brinkerhoff, Bowie Jeffs and Ty Gardner; the third team was Ross Gordon, Steve Gordon, Todd Huntington and Gary Bennett.
In the individual competition, Marv White, first; Rich Riggle, second; and Clayton Ward, third, for gross. For net in the individual, Earl Jensen, first; Carl Jensen, second; and Norm Richardson, third.
In the mixed competition, the team consisting of Corrine Wilson, Bruce Wilson,took first place.

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