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Orangeville to Start Youth Firefighter Program


At the Orangeville City Council meeting on Jan. 8, Fire Chief Tracy Addley informed the council that he would like to start up a new program for 16 and 17 year olds. The Junior Firefighters would train alongside firefighters to learn what it is they do, and how they do it. They would be able to dress and go on calls with the firefighters. They would not be able to drive the truck, or be put in harms way. He would like to train the youth so that when they turn 18 they will be able to become full volunteer firefighters. The program would also require the youth to maintain a “C” average in school while in training. The council fully supported the idea and look forward to starting the program in the next few months. Addley also mentioned that the Fireman’s Ball will be on Feb. 27 this year.
Rue Ware reported on the sign replacement project he has been working on. He has been responsible for the placement of signs identifying points of interest in the Orangeville area. Some signs that have been placed are at Clipper Canal, Blue Cut Canal, Cottonwood Creek, Adobe Wash and Bott Lane. He has been receiving a lot of cooperation from the county and the state. He is working on getting signs along Highway 29 and will resume when the weather clears up. Carol Ware suggested to the council that they have Rue Ware be responsible for finding a location, installation and landscaping for the kiosk information sign supplied by the county. Rue Ware accepted the job.
The Orangeville City Youth Council will be sending about four of their members up to Legislative Day, Jan. 21 in Salt Lake City, with leader Danette Waite. The council hopes that this opportunity will be interesting and educational for all members that are able to attend. The youth council will also be sponsoring a logo contest for Orangeville City’s street signs.
A citizen applied for an animal permit, allowing three animal units. The council discussed the issue and noted that there are flood drain grates on the property. It is imperative for the grates to stay free and clear of obstruction at all times in case of flooding. The council approved the permit on the basis that the resident agree to keep the grates clear, or risk being held liable for any damage caused due to the obstruction of the grates. They will have a new permit signed stating the above stipulations before granting the permit.
Kelly Alton, Jeffery Tuttle and Randall Stilson were sworn in as council members at the meeting. Kelly Alton will be over planning and zoning and historical; Jeffery Tuttle will be over roads and water and sewer; and Randall Stilson will be over animal control and public safety.
Dennis Tuttle reported on animal control and planning and zoning. He reported that as of Jan. 7, 35 dogs had been licensed. This leaves about 300 to go, he noted. The city will hold Rabies Clinics on Jan. 17 and Feb. 21.
Johansen and Tuttle had completed the survey of a residential property in Orangeville, and showed that the wall that has been constructed is approximately 10 feet over the property line. After much discussion, the council decided to contact the residents and hold a special meeting to discuss all options with them.
Cindy Nielson reviewed the utility billing comparison. From July 2003 to Nov. 2003 there has been approximately a $6,541 increase due to the city’s last rate increase.
In council business, Patrick Jones proposed that the city purchase property from Dickson Huntington for the fire department and work out a payment plan with him. The council approved the purchase. Jones also reported that he thought the city’s Christmas lighting contest needed more advertising. Carol Ware agreed. He also noted that one of the snow removal trucks had broken down, which made snow removal a bit slower. He stressed the need to have operators make two passes down each side of the street as well as scrape around corners.
Kelly Alton suggested that the city waive fees for families of active military members that are deployed out of the country. The council approved the motion.
Randall Stilson asked the council to look into purchasing sand instead of ashrock to put on snowy roads to avoid dropping large rocks and causing potential vehicle damage. He also mentioned the Emergency Preparedness Meeting that will be held on Jan. 30. He will be unable to attend and for anyone who might have questions for him, feel free to call him. Stilson also mentioned a need to create steps for advancement in the personnel policy, as there are none currently.
Jeffery Tuttle told the council that if we receive no more snow this year, we will have the same water situation as last year. He is looking at doing more sidewalks this year, obtaining an easement to put in a new waterline as well as replacing bad sewer pipe between 100 and 300 west.
Mayor Thayne Cox authorized the purchase of a new snowplow for the city. The next Orangeville City Council meeting will be held on Feb. 12 at 7 p.m.

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