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Emery Town Discusses ATV Ordinance


At the recent Emery Town Council meeting, Emery Town Recorder Judi Riddle said that the bronze plaque for the veterans has been ordered and should arrive in five-six weeks.
Young people and ATVs was the next item discussed. Many young people and parents asked the council what had prompted the city to send a letter to several residents complaining of young people racing around town and ignoring traffic control signs. Councilman Eric Anderson stated that many young people in town drive as if they were the only ones on the road and the city is concerned that someone is going to get hurt. It is the city’s wish to not have that happen.
One parent suggested a class in which the children could be taught the rules of the road and proper behavior in city streets. One young man from the town expressed his dismay at having been singled out when everybody rides around town. Numerous residents expressed ideas to help eliminate the problem with ATVs.
Riddle stated that the young man had not been singled out, and that he was doing a brave thing by coming to the meeting and expressing his opinions. All present stressed the need to work together to solve the problems.
The question was asked concerning Emery’s ATV ordinance. Councilperson Glenys Sitterud answered that Emery Town does not have an ordinance. Following much discussion, the council approved to formulate a committee and draft a proposed ordinance by the next council meeting.
A business permit was approved for King Cole’s Service, owned by Paul Riddle. This is a mobile mechanic service that will be working anywhere in the county and will go to the customer for any need that may arise. The truck and 28 foot trailer is equipped to do everything from major repairs to oil changes on vehicles.
Riddle announced that she and Mayor Mike Williams and Councilman Anderson will be going to the Utah League of Cities and Towns Convention in September. She asked if any of the other council members are planning to go.
Councilman Anderson gave a report on the July 24 celebration held in Emery. He said that approximately 500 dinners were served. He also stated that the parade was a great success and the entire celebration went well. “The turnout was a little higher than usual,” he said.
During the citizen concern portion of the evening. Jo Sansevero, of the Emery County Economic Development Council handed out brochures for the economic summit to be held at the Museum of the San Rafael and sponsored by Emery County Economic Development on Sept. 14. She encouraged everyone to attend as there will be many breakout sessions that will be very informative. She also stated that the keynote speakers, Bob King and Jon Huntsman Jr., will be very interesting.
Councilperson Sitterud presented Sansevero with a check for $300, from the Southeastern Utah Off Highway Vehicle Club. This money was raised from the Emery Fun Run held July 24 and will be applied to the restoration project of Emery’s Old Churchhouse.
The next Emery Town Council meeting will be held Sept. 14 at 6 p.m.

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