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Letter to the Editor: Citizen Involvement Healthy for Communities


Dear Editor,
We were recently referred to the Attorney Generals Office, and in speaking with them, they made some thought provoking comments we would like to share with our community. One comment they made was that “Good citizen involvement creates good government.” They also stated that the citizens are the ones that over see their own city government. There are no government agencies that hold the city accountable other than its citizens, this is why it is so important to become involved and knowledgeable in your city government the responsibility lies with its citizens. This is why we as citizens are more committed now than ever before to keep coming to meetings and becoming more involved and educated about our city government, codes, state and local laws, and learning better ways to communicate with our city officials.
We will continue to request minutes and documents, so we can review and research. We will ask questions on things we do not understand or have the same opinion as our city officials do. We want our citizens to know that the city is required to maintain open access to all minutes, records, and also the Orangeville Development Code Book. The book costing approximately $20 can be purchase at city hall. Even those things that you might have interest in that happened years ago you still can have access to them. Just call or drop in and ask the city recorder or city treasurer for the minutes you would like to view and copies should be available for a minimal fee.
We would like the Orangeville City Government to work with us and appreciate citizen involvement as individuals and as a group.
We want an open, free government working for all of us who live in Orangeville.
Please know that our purpose is clear, and that we are committed in our citizen participation. We expect fairness and equality,.
To those who have been asked or invited to leave Orangeville by our previous mayor, please we ask you to come and join us as concerned citizens to encourage our city government to represent the needs of the people. There is always room for improvement. We need your knowledge and input. You are important and valuable to us. Without new people, new ideas, and changes, progression comes slowly.
To those who have been hurt or are discouraged and want to learn more, please come and join us at our planning and zoning meetings, which are held monthly at Orangeville City Hall, and also join us at Orangeville City Council which will he held Nov. 10 at 7 p.m., also at Orangeville City Hall.
We as citizens have many resources and need to stand up for our constitutional rights.
We ask our city council and planning and zoning commission to welcome all citizens, new and old. We know that our citizens are one of our most precious assets we have here in Orangeville. Remember, “Good citizen involvement creates good government.”

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