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USDA Emergency Loans

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On Aug. 1, Pres. Bush declared a major disaster in eight counties and the Uintah and Ouray Indian Reservation in Utah. As a result of the major disaster, agriculture producers are eligible for Farm Service Agency emergency loans due to physical and production losses. These losses were a result of flooding and landslides that occurred April 28 through June, 29, 2005.
Therefore, Emery/Carbon counties were also name as contiguous.
Farmers and ranchers in Emery/Carbon counties can apply for an emergency loan to cover part of their actual losses and must apply by April 3, 2006. To be eligible, producers must have suffered a 30 percent loss of normal production, be able to repay the loan and other existing debt, be unable to get credit elsewhere, have adequate security, and must have obtained multi-peril drop insurance or have signed an insurance waiver. Each application will be considered on its own merit.
Applications can be picked up at the Emery/Carbon County FSA Office, 1120 Des-Bee-Dove Road, Castle Dale, or contact us at 1-435-381-2300.

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