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Orangeville City begins New Year

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Just prior to the January Orangeville City Council meeting, a reception was held to honor the outgoing officials. Mayor Thayne Cox, Councilman Pat Jones, and Councilperson Carol Ware were honored with a plaque and potted plant in appreciation for the service they have given to Orangeville City over the past years. Linda Jewkes was also honored for her 30 year service to the Orangeville planning and zoning committee.
Mayor Cox opened the city council meeting and installation of the new officials was completed. The new mayor for Orangeville, Bart Cox was given the oath of office, followed by Councilperson Carole Larsen and Councilman James Davis. Councilman Courtney Cox, who was recently appointed to fill the vacancy left when Councilman Randall Stilson resigned, along with Councilman Kelly Alton and Councilman Jeffery Tuttle were also present.
Following the installation of the new Mayor Bart Cox, the first order of business was an update of the construction of the new fire station. Pat Jones informed the council that the new fire station is expected to be completed around Feb. 15. He said that the expenditures so far have been nearing $600,000, the electrician will be about one more week, and the sheetrock and trim is being installed now. The painters are expected to begin next week. “Everything is coming together within the budget even with a few changes,” said Jones.
Jones added, “I appreciate being given the opportunity to serve as I have over the past years. I have enjoyed it even during the ups and downs. Not everyone agrees with everything you will do, but that is just the nature of the beast. Do what you think is right. Many good people have served Orangeville over the years, and it is great to be a part of this community and its development. We are truly blessed.
“I also want to put in a plug for our ordinances. Lots of work has gone into the ordinances over the years and they are in place for the best for everyone. They are for the future and the development of Orangeville. Give everything that comes before you lots of thought, consider everything before you make a decision. If you are unsure of any issue, table it, take time for more consideration and make a decision at a later date. Congratulations on your new appointments and thanks again for everything,” Jones concluded.
Councilman Alton recommended the appointment of Jones over construction. This appointment will last until the completion of the fire station. The council approved.
Mayor Bart Cox recommended the reappointment of Cindy Nielson and Ruanne Leeflang to the positions of city treasurer and city recorder, respectively. The reappointments were approved by the council.
A public hearing was opened to consider adjustments for the 2005-2006 municipal building authority budget. Mayor Bart Cox explained the adjustments and hearing no public comments, closed the public hearing.
When back in city council meeting, the council approved to make the adjustments to the MBA budget.
Doug Johnson of the land use authority informed the council of the date change of meetings for the land use authority. They will meet on the first Thursday of each month. This will shorten the time for which issues that are presented to the land use authority wait until being presented to the city council for a decision.
Johnson posed several questions to the council. The first concerned a land swap being considered by the city with a private resident. He asked if this wasn’t an issue for the land use authority. The next question dealt with the changes in the penalties for ordinance violations in Orangeville. Due to changes by the State of Utah, the penalty for those violations has been changed from criminal to civil.
The final question posed by Johnson was how the ordinance that covers the cost of lawsuits against the city are handled. He wondered if the legal costs for a person who sues the city and loses are the responsibility of the person who brings the suit.
In a final matter by the land use authority, Johnson stated that several complaints have come into them concerning the price of building permits, especially for manufactured homes. It was noted that with the acceptance of the new codes and building inspections in the county, Orangeville does not set the fees charged, that is handled at the county level. Any complaints that come in will be referred to the commissioners.
Dennis Tuttle announced that attendance for the rabies clinic recently held in Orangeville was quite sparse. He is hoping that more will come out to the next one to be held at the old fire station on Feb. 11.
Carol Ediger, Hans Baantjer and Randy Winn made a presentation to the council concerning the No Excuses proposal by the Utah Education Association.
Mayor Bart Cox made assignments to the council. Councilman Alton is to be over the cemetery, historical committee, and community events. Councilman Tuttle will remain over roads, water and sewer, and city clean-up. Councilman Cox will oversee public safety, animal control and the fire department. Councilperson Larsen will head up the land use authority. Councilman Davis will be in charge of parks, beautification and youth city council.
The council approved to give Councilman Tuttle authority to attend the Cottonwood Creek Irrigation Company meeting and vote the city’s shares. Councilman Alton made the recommendation to retain Rue Ware on the events committee due to the excellent job Ware has done in the past with the Memorial Day event. Councilperson Larsen informed the council that work is continuing on the sexually oriented business ordinance for Orangeville. Councilman Cox noted that Dennis Tuttle and himself will be attending the animal control officers conference.
Mayor Bart Cox announced that Orangeville is investigating the retaining of a new city attorney. Several suggestions were made to acquire an attorney with a municipal specialty.
“I am very happy to be here. I am excited to get going and I appreciate the opportunity to serve Orangeville. I have served, for 16 years, on past city councils. Again, thank you and I am glad to be here,” said Mayor Bart Cox.
The next Orangeville City Council meeting will be Feb. 9 at 7 p.m.

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