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Editor’s Notes


What a week! I feel like I’ve been beat up and hung out to dry. Let’s start with the alleged actions of a teacher at San Rafael Junior High in Ferron. I am very distressed that this may have taken place, but even more distressing I felt was the reaction of those residents I saw interviewed on Channel 2 news. One resident said since they live in a small town they didn’t have to worry about drugs or gangs. Hello! If you think Emery County doesn’t have a drug problem, you need to think again. When we cover court actions, the majority of the offenses there deal with drugs, taking drugs distributing drugs, crimes committed while taking drugs, drugs, drugs, drugs, Yes, Emery County has a drug problem and you should know about it. The mentality of those who think there isn’t a problem add to that problem with their ignorance.
To the man who said he lived in a small community and was just appalled at the abuse in the alleged teacher incident, do you think that abuse doesn’t occur in a small community? I would also ask that you think again. Abuse occurs in all communities, large, small, medium it doesn’t matter. Again our courts have child abuse and sexual abuse cases on a regular basis.
It’s not that we shouldn’t feel safe in our communities, but we are not isolated and protected as some people would like to think.
About three weeks ago a clerk at a Green River motel was reportedly held up at gun point. Does that happen in a small community?
I know we expect more of people who are in positions of trust, but they are not immune to wrongdoing and incorrect and unethical actions. There have been four teachers in Utah in just the last month or so, accused of child abuse. It is appalling and frightening. But, we must change the mind set that just because we live in a small community these things shouldn’t and don’t happen.
Washington County is dealing with two officers who allegedly had sexual contact with prisoners, of course things like that shouldn’t take place. I am sure Washington County officials are very disturbed by what went on, so maybe you’re not even safe if you’re locked up behind bars.
Parents need to be on the alert to protect children. I attended a Chamber of Commerce luncheon yesterday where a man presented information about internet pornography and a law they are formulating which would make distribution of online pornography illegal except on a specified port. You as a consumer could deny the port being accessible to your home. This would deal with the pornographers who say they must have freedom of speech and expression. They would have their one port and outlet. Pop-ups and inadvertent stumbling upon pornography would be eliminated. The Citizens Voice and Clean Internet Channel are working to bring this about. I support and applaud people who have the guts to stand up and say pornography is wrong and we don’t have to stand for it. Let’s protect our children from internet predators.
I am writing this on Thursday. So far this week we’ve had a County Clerk who has resigned on Monday and now states he didn’t resign. Don’t know how it’s all going to turn out, but it probably will cost the county a bunch of money to get things back on track again. I still can’t help but think, some phone calls to the Lt. Governor’s help line for election officials would have cleared up this mess and enabled us to proceed with our elections in an accurate manner. There is so much confusion now, name calling and accusations. For some reason I have hoped for better behavior from elected officials.
I do believe in sticking up for what you think is right. Mr. Funk thinks he is right and I applaud him for sticking to his guns. Whether we agree or not doesn’t matter. Sometimes you just have to do what you think is right and to hell with the consequences. But, in this case, the county has to deal with the consequences and expenses involved in getting our election boat upright again.
Personally I don’t agree with this Black Box Voting and their scare tactics. They behave with elections much the same way SUWA behaves with public lands. I’ve read much of their material and I’m sorry that Mr. Funk chose to become their poster child. I think there was a better way.
Well I’m off to Green River where their high school golfers are hosting a regional tournament. I’ll take tons of photos and will be glad to be out of the office and the turmoil of the week’s events. I think I’ll even leave the cell phone on the charger and just enjoy a quiet ride to Green River. Well, quiet with the exception of my Kenny Chesney tunes.

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