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Upcoming backyard profits seminar

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The Economic Development Council in cooperation with the Castleland RC&D, USU Cooperative Extension and the Emery County Economic Development office are sponsoring a workshop on “Profits in Your Backyard” on May 4, from 7-9 p.m. at the Museum of the San Rafael in Castle Dale.
Speakers will talk about how they make money from the fruits and vegetables from their own back yard and how you can, too.
We welcome everyone who has an interest in buying or selling vegetables, fruits, honey, eggs, and/or meat (beef, lamb, pork, and chicken) to attend this workshop. Sellers and suppliers please feel free to bring samples or flyers about your products. Buyers look for opportunities to buy vegetables and fruit this summer or contract for some locker meat. Contact Dennis Worwood at 381-2381 for more information.

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