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Commission ratifies contract with Diebold


Commissioner Ira Hatch said they have contacted Diebold Elections systems to recertify the election equipment. They have talked about and worked on a contract which has been approved. The contract will run from April 12 until the completion of the job. The county will pay $1,260 per day per technician. County people will also be allowed to help if the need arises. “When we can get the technicians lined up they will be in the county to accomplish that work. The fees are the county’s responsibility to pay Diebold and we are asking for state help from HAVA funds,” said Commissioner Hatch. A motion was made to ratify the contract to recertify the voting machines.
Personnel issues were moved to the top of the meeting to facilitate, personnel director Mary Huntington so she could attend meetings in Provo. A one step increase was authorized for Nicole Deabenderfer at the sheriff’s office and an increase for Kurt Price who will graduate from the Fred House Academy for corrections on May 11.
The May tax sale was set for May 25 at 10 a.m. Properties being listed for sale can still be cleared up until the day of the sale.
Mike McCandless reported the low power radio station to relay information on the scenic byway is just about ready and they are seeking a location for the transmitter. The old water tanks location above Huntington already has a tower in place which will be replaced soon. McCandless requested the county accept the easement for the placement of the buried phone and power lines. Commissioner Hatch wondered why Huntington City didn’t accept the easement as they are the ones who own the property and would be the entity which would grant the easement to the regional travel bureau. The travel and scenic byways organizations would pay for the power and any expenses.
County Attorney David Blackwell said he could draw up the easement if that would help out. Commissioner Drew Sitterud said the new tower is going up later this year at that location because the old tower isn’t safe to climb.
Commissioner Sitterud said that Blaine Evans an architect has been secured to do the drawings of the swimming pool. No expenditures will be outlaid and if the pool initiative passes then expenses will be taken care of at that time with the securing of CIB funds.
The pool is Olympic sized with diving on one end and a small children’s pool with pop-up fountains on one end. Commissioner Sitterud said they will meet with the school district to finalize the school and county obligations involved with the pool.
The commission approved a tax abatement for half of a citizen’s taxes.
Lance Wright from Four Corners Behavioral Health requested a donation from the commissioners to send two Four Corners personnel to the University of Utah for drug and alcohol abuse training. The donation was approved.
Shonie Christensen and Tom Anderson introduced the commission to a new FM station called KRPX. They requested to have the station put on the county’s translator. The station hopes to make Emery County a big part of the new station and broadcasting Emery County news and events. The station will cater to women and feature top 40 and light rock and be office friendly. They also plan to do a morning show.
Commissioner Hatch referred them to Bret Mills the county’s technical man. The call letters are KRPX and the station will be found at 95.3 FM.
The opening of bids for a county land sale was next. Nielson Construction owns property to the south and east of the land fill and they requested to purchase land to be used as a road to their property. Commissioner Hatch explained that Nielson’s wants to change their storage options and they have been doing a lot of work for the coal bed methane wells and any refuse from those projects must be taken to an approved site in the Duchesne area which is a big expense. Nielson Construction is going through the process to be granted permission to store this byproduct on their property. They need a new roadway and a weigh station to be compliant.
Bids were let out for the 3.4 acres and advertising completed, one bid came in for the property and the minimum bid was $686 and Nielson Construction bid $701. Commissioner Gary Kofford made a motion to award the bid for the land to Nielson Construction.
Ryan Bjerke representing the Chapman law firm explained to the commission the bonds issued in 1994 for PacifiCorp for pollution control. PacifiCorp is looking for some flexibility with the bonds. Attorney Blackwell said it won’t cost any money but with a trust indenture, a clause requires the county be notified and grant permission for any adjustments in negotiations for the trust indenture loan agreement. PacifiCorp would like to make minor changes to the bond and give the bank and PacifiCorp some flexibility without forcing the bond holders to tender their bonds.
Some investors who buy bonds just want to hold onto them. The increased flexibility will let the bond holders hold onto them.
Commissioner Sitterud said the CIB was recently in the county and met with Elmo Town, they are renegotiating the size of the fire station, city hall and senior center and the building has been downsized. The costs of the road projects have been very high and a supplemental grant is being requested to cover costs. For the Emery Town building the CIB said they can help with the inside of the building. The CIB will also be approached for emergency funds to do flood repair at the Millsite Golf Course.
Commissioner Kofford said he and Ray Petersen have put together a letter to be presented at the Old Spanish Trail scoping meeting stating the county’s position.
The commission also met with Maughn Guymon on the new senior center in Green River. The architect is working on the drawings and the building will cost approximately $2.32 per square foot and total $1.1 million.
Commissioner Hatch said, “It will be a great addition to Green River and we will move ahead and get it accomplished.”
Commissioner Hatch said that Wade Nielson will attend the road school in St. George for the county.
Commissioner Hatch said he attended a planning meeting with UDOT. The county will put in a plea for funds for another section of the Temple Mtn. road to Goblin Valley in 2008-09.

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