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Editor’s notes: Two weeks and counting


Well, it’s two weeks before the Sah family is scheduled to be deported. I just visited with them in Green River and I wish I could report happy news.
I found Ken working on the heaters and air conditioners for the rooms at the motel. He said he was doing routine maintenance so things won’t be so hard for his brother to keep going after they are gone.
They are being realistic while remaining hopeful. They have found a new lawyer who hopefully can do some good in the two weeks they have left. If only they could get an extension or a stay of their deportation.
I find it so cruel that America is forcing a 12 year old American child out of his own country. Kunal has never been to India and will find it as foreign to him as it would be to any American child.
I think of another Indian boy that I have known for years. He came to America as a young baby, adopted by a family in Emery County. What if he were forced back to his original country after 24 years? He would be so lost, he wouldn’t know the language or any of the customs of that country. So will Kunal be lost, forced into a lifestyle not of his choosing. How can this be allowed to happen?
The Sah family has had a lot of support. Two Salt Lake television channels have interviewed them and their story appeared in the Salt Lake Tribune, but to no avail. Two Salt Lake families have even driven down to Green River to meet the family and offer their support.
Someone, somewhere has the key to help this family. I wish our senators or representative would take the action to create special legislation for them. I am told this happens all the time. So why not now.
A contributing family being forced out of the country is criminal.
I attended a celebration the other day for a victory for the Co-op miners. Many of those who fought against the mining company were here illegally. That doesn’t bother me. I feel badly for these people where the conditions in their country are so atrocious that they risk life and limb to cross our deserts and borders to get here to try for a better life.
I am appalled by the coyotes who bring illegals into the country and how they use and trick these people just to get money. They promise them jobs and a better life, and often times they are just dumped out and left on their own.
Yes, something must be done, I would suggest we just annex Mexico into the United States and then everyone could be an American. What do we have that these people are so in need of?
What do we have that so many of us take for granted? What is the price of our freedom? How lucky are we? They will sacrifice so much to get here.
Mexico is a country very rich in natural resources of their own. With help and guidance their people could be very productive on their home front. I am told the Mexican government is riddled with corruption. I don’t know for sure. There has to be a better way.
I think their workers offer valuable assistance in America. I don’t know what the drain is as far as medical help and assistance and other programs.
I do know the Sah family pays taxes in America. They have tried to do things the right way and have been penalized for doing so. Where is the justice in that? If we can’t have justice in this case. Then I plead for mercy why should this contributing family be sent away. They have never taken from America, but only given back in taxes and employment for citizens.
As a final plea, before fellow Emery County residents are sent out of the country, contact your senators and representative to offer your support for the Sah family and your distress at this injustice being invoked.
To contact Senator Orrin Hatch, call 1-202-224-9854.

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