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Letter to the Editor: Thankful for coach

parents Mapleton Golden Eagles Mapleton

Dear Editor:
We would like to say how much we appreciate Dave Hreinson, the coach of the Emery Heat ( 9 year old and under Super League baseball team) for providing the Mapleton Golden Eagles with such a warm welcome to Huntington on June 10.
We were concerned the games may be cancelled due to bad weather, but Dave took time out of his schedule to drive from Price to Huntington very late Friday night to determine if the fields were going to be in good enough condition to make it worth our hour and a half drive. Due to his efforts and phone call, we were able to come on Saturday morning and play baseball.
During our first game, my son who was playing in left field made a great diving catch. Following the inning, an anonymous boy brought him a snow cone and told him what an awesome play he had made. To a 7 year old, that snow cone was a trophy. It meant more to him and us as parents than a win, especially coming from our competition. The warmth and friendliness meant so much to us.
We were also impressed with the outstanding umpire Jeremiah J. who umpired both games. He showed integrity by changing a call; he made good, accurate and consistent calls. He treated our team and coaches with respect and he was by far the best umpire we have ever had in the Rocky Mountain League of Baseball.
The entire Emery Heat team showed great sportsmanship. The boys were polite and kind as they talked with Mapleton parents between games. They are a well coached and disciplined team. At the end of our second game, Coach Dave again showed what a wonderful person he is by buying our team a snow cone and thanked us for coming.
Our experience in Huntington was memorable. We appreciate your hospitality. You are the best host city our children have ever played baseball in.

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