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Letter to the Editor: When the wicked rule, the good suffer


It is a strange world in which we live today, especially in America. The standards and norms of yesterday are gone and in their place, a whole new array of values has been set up. It used to be when a man or women labored, they were able to keep the fruits of their labor, and government did not and could not take it away. Now we labor all the days of our life to care for those who think and feel it is their right to redistribute our wealth. If I as an individual do not have the right to take by force, coercion, fraud, theft, tax, scheme, or law the property of my neighbors, then neither does the U. S. government have that right. Yet under our current system of government which has evolved into a Fascist system of endless laws and un-constitutional agencies, Americans wear out their lives supporting those who are on the welfare system. And that welfare system includes government officials with their golden parachutes, millions of government workers, and agencies that should be replaced with private businesses that compete in a free market arena to provide services that individuals will pay for. Entitlements, grants, appropriations, foreign aid, etc, are all thefts of U.S. taxpayer dollars by elected and unelected officials
In former times, gold and silver were the medium of exchange with paper notes used to represent that value. Now we still have that paper money, but no gold. The Federal Reserve, which is a private banking cartel, has gained power over every American through the birth of the Federal Reserve Act: that act took away the right of our government to print its own money. Every dollar that is collected on tax day, April 15, goes not to pay off the debt, but 100 percent is used to pay the interest on the debt. That is way the debt never goes away, and as long as the Feds can issue printing press money, Americans will continue to be enslaved by the Feds through controlled cycles of bust and boom, inflation and deflation. With dollars that are artificially inflated year after year, Americans and their children find themselves unwilling serfs to the Lords of the Federal Reserve.
What happened to free speech? It used to be and is a right, that a man could speak his mind, whether right or wrong, and not be afraid. Not any more. Those seeking power over the lives of others have abolished the right of free speech. A government of power mongers, bureaucrats, corrupt lawyers and activist judges created civil rights, vs. God given rights, and have used those trumped up civil rights in continually fanning the flames of hatred to the demise of free speech. One such power monger was Lyndon Johnson who was seeking political revenge against charitable institutions that had supported one of his opponents. As a senator in 1954, he championed a bill that would amend the IRS code to remove churches tax-exempt status if they participated in political activity.
Visit Bryce Canyon and step on the cryptic soil and the extremists who manage our outdoor resources will fine you $1,000, so states a BLM sign. Kill a desert tortoise, either on purpose or accidentally and you will find yourself in jail with a fine and a record. But if a human baby is conceived by those who engage in sex as only an avenue of pleasure and ignore the Divine, will have the baby aborted and will face no fines, no jail time, and no record. How odd it is that human life has been relegated to the level of dung or pile of disposable tissue.
Americans, it is time to wake up. We are allowing a vocally obnoxious, immoral minority, to rule and ruin our lives and families. They have stripped God out of public life and are demanding that we accept their immoral and corroupt lifestyles as the standard for all. They have robbed our wealth, our pride, and our very souls and we do nothing. Now is the time to stand and fight. We must call our elected state and federal officials and let them know we do not approve of their lackadaisical attitudes towards our God given rights and that we intend to hold then accountable at election time. We will not forget what they have done.

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