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Another restitution awarded to forest from damage to riparian area

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Darwon D. Stansfield (27) of Helper, pled guilty on Nov. 30 in U.S. District court to damaging a riparian area by unauthorized ATV operation.
The incident occurred July 22, 2006, in the Millers Flat area of the Manti-LaSal National Forest.
Stansfield was operating an ATV through a riparian area when his ATV became struck. Two forest protection officers were present and issued a violation notice for the incident.
Magistrate Judge Paul Warner agreed with a plea agreement reached between US Attorney’s Office and the defendant.
He imposed $1,000 restitution cost for the damage and $110 fine.
The restitution will be used to build a log and barrier fence around the damaged riparian area and to purchase several riparian information signs in and around the Millers Flat area that will educate other forest users.

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