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Letter to the Editor: Life at Turnquist Cottages


Some say of us that live here at Turnquist Cottages in Elmo that we are all over the hill but when you get as old as some of us you will discover that in life there is more than one hill.
Here at Turnquist Cottages you will fine some of the most beautiful Chicks in Utah and the men who live here feel like kings among all this beauty. Here we have no time to be mad or sad about anything.
But I want you to know about a band that comes in and gets all are toes taping and hearts leaping and that is the Val Jensen Band. They come in twice a month every month and give all of us here a real heart transplant and what do they get out of it. No money or gold but all of us here make sure they leave with a truck full of our love.
There are a lot of good people here in Utah and the Val Jenson band is right there at the top. You need to come and join us when they play next. No you don’t have to be over 70 to get in.

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