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Especially for kids at the fair

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There is a special area at our fair geared toward kids.
We will have Mikey (the 911 dinosaur) there to help kids learn who they can call in an emergency, Child ID kits and a focus on Safe Kids, and we have 200 cans, that we call Kid Kans, that kids can put things in to have in case of evacuation or sheltering in place. We also have Sparkey’s Fire Safety House, Smokey the Bear, and the Price Library will be there to help the kids make labels and checker sets for the Kid Kans. You and your child can bring any items you may wish (we have a few suggestions) to put into the Kid Kans, as long as it will fit into the cans. See below for information. 911 will be providing crayons for the cans.
We want to remind parents that while this may seem a safe place for kids to be, we cannot be responsible for your child. Please do not leave your young children unattended.

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