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Elmo DUPs hold annual Pheasant Hunters lunch and breakfast



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Henrietta Hansen, Beryl Lofley and Erma Lou Jones prepare the pies.

The Lily of the Valley Daughters of the Utah Pioneers held their annual pheasant hunters lunch and breakfast. They held a raffle and sold lunch and breakfast. The Elmo DUPs use all funds raised to conduct a service project for their community. They will use the funds at Christmas to sponsor a family. They buy the toys and gifts for Christmas for a family in need. Another project in the works is to make a welcome sign for the Elmo Cemetery, similar to the one at the entrance to the Huntington Cemetery. All of the money raised by the Elmo DUPs stays local to fund projects in and around Elmo. The quilt winner is Lana Whitehead.
Locals were treated to hamburgers, cheeseburgers and delicious homemade pies. All of the DUP members helped with the activity. Many attended the breakfast and lunch throughout the day as they socialized and enjoyed the company of family and friends.

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