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Green River Christmas



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Jean Tidwell poses with the items she handcrafted. She is an AmeriCorp VISTA worker.

The Green River Community Center/Boys and Girls Club hosted a Christmas dinner and fund raiser at their facility. Friends of the Green River Positive Action Team, or PACT, is a group of individuals who formed this organization to work towards positive community outcomes. Their goal is to raise funds to further the programs in the city which help Green River and its citizens.
Over the past six years, the group has provided many services to the community center/boys and girls club. Some of the services are: acquiring and donating land to the city for a park; raising funds for a playground; improving Elgin park; providing classroom space for HeadStart; providing classroom space for adult education; hosting volunteers who work to improve Green River; clean up and beautification of the city; opening a thrift store; generating jobs; providing 11,250 meals to shut ins and seniors; and helping conduct summer school.
This is just a sampling of the projects the group is involved with. Their board consists of: Tom Burr, Dale Johnson, Nancy Dunham, Olive Anderson, Maxine Baker, Bill Adams, Blaine Evans, Judy Evans, Larry Ekker, Kam Weihing and Char Uptain.

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