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Relay for Life kicks off



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Diane Tadehara speaks at the Relay for Life kickoff

Kristi Rasmussen, chairman of the Relay for Life 2008, opened the kickoff meeting for the event at the Senior Citizens Center in Castle Dale. She welcomed everyone and introduced her board.
Francis Swasey introduced the guest speaker for the evening Diane Tadehara, a resident of Ferron who is currently battling breast cancer. “I would give two pieces of advice to woman who are faced with the adventure. One is to look for the miracles and the other is to always remember you can help,” said Tadehara.
She began her journey through diagnosis and treatment less than a year ago. She has had three surgeries, 16 weeks of radiation and eight weeks of chemotherapy since June 2007. At the beginning of her “adventure” she began a journal to document her life from the point of diagnosis. It is a hard copy of her feelings and the feelings of those around her through this ordeal.
After some explanation of how the Relay for Life is expected to take shape and ideas for the teams to raise the funds for the walk, the group registered their teams and enjoyed pizza and ice cream. For more information on how to participate in this fund raising event call Rasmussen at 653-2471 or Deanna Hansen at 653-2410.

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