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American Legion holds Veteran’s Day program


"Legion members include: front, Ray Quinn, Owen Olsen, LaNae Jones, Brett Mecham, rear, Max Larsen, Blake Jones, Fon Leamaster, Mac Sitterud, Hal Nielson, Jim Jensen, Ira Hatch, Bert Leamaster, Mar Grange and Larry Randall. The American Legion at the Veteran's Memorial in Castle Dale."


The American Legion members from Huntington, Lawrence, Elmo and Cleveland honored Veterans on Veteran’s Day in Castle Dale. The Veterans gathered at the Veteran’s Memorial which was constructed and dedicated last year on Veteran’s Day. The monument is on the grounds of the Museum of the San Rafael.
Commander Ray Quinn welcomed the Veterans and visitors to the ceremony. “We salute our Veterans and their willingness to defend our country. Without them we would not be here. Many thousands of men and women have defended our country. Do anything you can to be sure they aren’t forgotten. God bless America and all it stands for this day,” said Quinn.
American Legion member Blake Jones recited the Ragged Ole’ Flag accompanied by Eldon Holmes on the guitar. “Thrills run up and down my spine as I render this poem. I am not sorry for the time I spent serving my country. I have a great love for my country. I honor my country. I love the ragged old flag and the privilege we have of living in America. I honor the Veterans and appreciate what we have. I appreciate the liberty and freedom we have in America,” said Jones.
Brett Mecham played taps while the flag was raised from half staff to full mast. The American Legion members gave a 21 gun salute to conclude the ceremony.

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