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Stock show: Annual event draws large crowd to Ferron


"Chance Thompson shows his steer at the stock show."


The Southeastern Utah Junior Livestock show just concluded its 71st annual run in Ferron this past week. The event started with the weighing and receiving on Wednesday. On Thursday the showmanship contests were held. There were four categories including intermediate, senior, beginner and junior. The exhibitors had the opportunity to form teams of three or four members or they could be judged individually. Showmanship included; market beef and market lamb. Exhibitors also showed breeding sheep, goat and beef.
The day began early on Friday with the judging of the market hogs.
wether goats were weighed in and the market lambs were judged. A goat showmanship was held along with the judging of the wether goats. The market steers were judged and a rabbit show was held.
All exhibitors participated in an ice cream social and an awards program. The exhibitors had a dance after the ice cream social.
The day of the big sale was Saturday and a stockshow buyers brunch was held and then the auction took place with the sale of the market steers, hogs and then the lambs.
The stock show would not be possible without the special sponsors who support the show each year. A stockshow sponsor is someone who sees more than kids and animals at a stockshow. A sponsor sees the hard work, responsibility, goal setting and management that goes into each animal on display. A sponsor knows that a calf, lamb or hog can teach lessons that can’t be learned any other way and believes those lessons are worth learning.
Exhibitors are encouraged to participate in a complete educational opportunity as they prepare for stockshow. They learn about the rate of gain, carcass, fitting and showing, record book and how livestock judging works. The purpose of being involved in a stockshow is to help the participants learn about lifeskills and animal husbandry skills as well as learning how to market their product.
Exhibitors must be at least in the third grade to participate and not less than 8 years of age. They can continue to show through their high school graduation until their 19th birthday.
To be involved in the showing of animals the participants must follow a dress code. They wear a long or short sleeve shirt which fastens down the front and has a collar. The shirts must be solid white. The exhibitors must wear black, blue or white pants. If they are a member of the FFA they can wear their jackets.
The Southeastern Utah Livestock show is run by a nonprofit organization. Currently the president is Karl Kay and the vice president is Blaine Fillmore. Cindy Fillmore is the manager and Dennis Worwood is the clerk. The secretary is Gail Kay. The cattle department head is Kyle McArthur; swine-Blaine Fillmore; sheep-David Stokes; rabbit show-Dan James; goat show-Bonnie Vea.
The utmost care is taken with the animals to maintain the animals are disease free as they are sold to the buyers or sent to the auction.

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