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Support of our Veterans

By Lou Sansevero Ferron

I think I can speak for all the members of American Legion Post 42 and its Auxilary and all Emery County Veterans when I say thank you to the citizens of Emery County for coming out and supporting us, and our deceased comrades, by attending our Honors ceremonies at the Ferron, Molen, and Castle Dale cemeteries on Memorial Day.
A nation’s true strength is not measured by the size of their military nor by the stature of their leaders but by the spirit of its citizens…Emery County has shown that, in Emery County at least, this nation has never been stronger. Thank you.
P.S. to all veterans and spouses of veterans, the American Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary are looking for a few good men and women to join us…contact a Legionaire or an Auxilary member for an application.

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