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Recreation district finishes fall and starts winter sports

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The Emery County Recreation District met in their November meeting. A special welcome was given to Brent Hadfield who will be representing the city of Elmo.
The board ratified the purchase of wood chips for the softball complex playground. Vice chairman Joel Dorsch announced to the board that he had talked with Nielson Construction about the softball complex. They told him that it would cost $10,000 per field to take off six inches of dirt and replace it with red dirt. They also suggest that they could bring in “washed sand” for $20 a ton to mix with existing soil. The board would like to explore all options before making a decision at the softball complex.
Shaun Bell announced to the board that “Orangeville City’s Community Christmas Chili / Soup Cook Off” will be held on Dec. 4. The public is invited to bring at least one gallon of their favorite soup or chili and join in the party.
Recreation Director, Gay Lee Jeffs, announced to the board that Jr. Jazz has started their sign-ups. They will begin games the first week of December.
The Emery County gun club has a new schedule for the year. They began their season on Nov. 13. Jeffs, also announced to the board that the football league is over. The team from Castle Dale won the Superbowl. The program ran very smoothly with no problems this year. Emery County football league has been invited to participate in an all-star tournament up north. Emery County Recreation will provide them with the equipment. Jeffs also told the board that Frank Ori from Carbon County Recreation has done a survey on costs for little league football programs and Emery County has one of the least expensive programs. It costs $85 to participate in Carbon County and some programs up north charge more than $400.
Jeffs said the Special Olympics has asked for a donation. This request will be put on next month,s agenda.
The board approved the financial report and the bills for payment. The board voted to adopt the tentative budget of the Emery County Recreation Special Service District.

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