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Letters To The Editor: American Imperialism, My Foot

By Jerry Stotler Ferron

I am tired of hearing stupid claims about American Imperialism. What a bunch of rubbish.
Have you noticed who our allies are now that Obama has become the world’s dominant promotor of Marxism in any of its variations. (And please don’t try to tell me he is not a Marxist/socialist when you can’t even clearly define it.)
Allies, let’s see, we have Canada, yes but not very strong; England, yes but more or less emasculated; France, not; Germany, not; Australia yeah, but not very strong especially since they have taken to disarming their population, Central Europe, not. We have no allies in Africa, no allies in South America and no allies in Asia. Japan was but they are so devasted by earthquakes and tsunamis to be sidelined. Israel is our only other modern ally, but Obama is in the process of undermining their sovereignty and sabotaging their borders. And spare me the wimps in NATO. If it were not for the USA, there would be no NATO. The U.N. has never been our ally. So who is left on our side – No one. He, Obama, has sabotaged our economy, ignored our constitution and set the stage for bankruptcy, economic collapse and riots in the streets.
The pundits have tried to pit the battle as capitalism against socialism, but that is an absurd statement. Capitalism is an economic system, the only economic system in the organized world today. Marxism, socialism, et. al., are all political systems, not economic systems. Many years ago someone pointed out to me that there are two forms of capitalism, monopoly capitalism and competetive capitalism. In the socialist/communist/Marxist systems the goal is monopoly capitalism, the government owns all the capital, or controls it. In competetive capitalism, each person is free to earn and keep whatever portion of the capital he can create according to his imagination and perserverance. So what is capital? It is money and the means of production, as in captial investments. Does China have money and the means of production. You bet it does, but who owns and controls all the capital in China, the government. Who owns the capital in America? The people, we do, at least mostly, for now. (Witness the nationalizing of the auto and financial industries and now the medical industry through Obamacare.)
We hear all the rhetoric from the left about American Imperialism, but what countries have we taken over in the last 150 years? We bought some large chunks of land, the Louisiana Purchase, the Gadsen Purchase, and Sewards Folly, Alaska. But, if we were imperialistic, by rights we should own most of Europe, Japan and the Philippines after kicking the begeebers out of the Axis Powers. To the victor goes the spoils and we were the victors. Oh yeah, don’t forget about the islands of Granada (Reagan’s ) and Cuba (Teddy Roosevelt’s).
Who in the world today are the imperialistic nations trying to expand their reach. The middle eastern Islamic nations by any means possible, especially through violence over Israel. Put in that mix Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Libya. Then there are Turkey, Pakistan, India, China, North Korea, and now Egypt will probably enter the fray. Even Mexico, since it is telling its people to go to the USA and take it over. In that vein, don’t forget that Santana invaded Texas, (Remember the Alamo) in return got beat badly as America sent marines into Mexico, defeated them and occupied Mexico City. By rights we should own all of Mexico. So put that in your imperial pipe and smoke it.
American Imperialism my foot. What a bunch of liberal propaganda.

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