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Line dancers entertain at senior Christmas party


"Line dancers Carolyn Schrank, Valarie Jensen, Talma Peacock, Virginia Petty, Shawna Peterson, and snowman Sue Lute dance together to Jingle Bell Rock."

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The Castle Dale Senior Citizens Christmas Party held Dec. 20, at the senior citizen center was quite interesting. After a Christmas luncheon of roast chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, carrots, apple pie, and a cookie, the entertainment arrived.
The entertainment was the Senior Line Dancers. These line dancers were wearing Santa Claus sweaters that had written up on them “Believe”. They entertained the group by performing line dances to Christmas music.
The Senior Line Dancers were Sue Lute, Carolyn Schrank, Virginia Petty, Valarie Jensen, Talma Peacock and Shawna Peterson. The first song they performed for was “Frosty the Snowman”, their second was, “Let It Snow” and the last was “Jingle Bell Rock”.
Lute the leader said line dancing is their way of exercising and they entertain at the two nursing homes each month.
After the line dancers, the Senior Band Aleen Riley, Chris Kinsey, Larraine Pierce and Venna Lewis accompanied by Jeanne Scoville, handed out music for a sing-along. Nearly everyone participated in the singing of several of those Christmas songs.
Laurel Weaver, Castle Dale senior director encouraged the group to form a circle in preparation for the passing around of gifts. She had made a special gift package with several layers of wrapping paper and under each layer of paper a gift. This package was passed around the circle until Claude Scoville rang a bell at that point the person holding the gift had to unwrap the first layer of this special gift pakage. Under the layer he or she would find a small gift.
The passing of this specially wrapped gift continued until all the wrapping paper layers had been opened and all the gifts from this package had been given out.
Next on the agenda, the gifts brought by the seniors were passed around the circle until everyone was holding a gift. Then, while a Christmas story was being told the gifts were passed back and forth from left to right and back again around the circle. When the story ended the gift, the senior was holding was his or her gift.
Then Laurel announced that you could trade gifts and some trading was in evidence. In the end, everyone agreed they had a wonderful time.

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