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Red cross blood drive coming to Orangeville-Emery Telcom

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The American Red Cross will be in Orangeville to collect blood on May 21 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. The blood drive will be held at Emery Telcom, 455 East Highway 29.
According to Joe Black, donor recruitment representative for Central Utah, “In Utah, someone needs blood every eight minutes. In Utah, the Red Cross serves 31 hospitals, including Castleview Hospital in Price and must collect about 440 units of blood every day to meet the demand.”
There is no substitute for blood, it can only be collected from voluntary donors and the demand is constant. Black explained that an accident can require anywhere from four to 40 units of blood, cancer treatments take two-six units and even a premature baby birth can use one-four units of blood.
Barbara Rasmussen is the blood drive coordinator for the Red Cross blood drive on May 21. Call her at (435) 748-2223 to make an appointment. Walk-ins are welcome but donors with appointments will receive priority.
Individuals unable to donate blood can still make a contribution by organizing a Red Cross blood drive or volunteering. To find the nearest blood drive to you at other times call 1-800-REDCROSS or visit redcrossblood.org.
The American Red Cross provides relief to victims of disasters at home and abroad, collects and distributes nearly half of the nation’s blood supply, teaches lifesaving skills, and supports military members and families. American Red Cross Blood Services, Lewis and Clark Region, provides approximately 215,000 units of blood to over 110 hospitals in Utah, Idaho, and Montana each day. For additional information, please visit redcrossblood.org.

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