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Castle Valley Pageant prepares for 2012 season


"The pageant will be Aug. 2-4 and Aug. 7-11 this year."


The Castle Valley Pageant will be performed this summer on Aug. 2-4 and Aug. 7-11. Plans are underway for this year’s performance. The pageant is performed every other year now in even years. The presidency for the pageant has been announced and Brad Giles will take over as pageant president with his counselors being Dennis Gordon and Gordon Bennett. They are busy putting together a committee and meeting regularly.
The call has been put out for cast members and anyone wishing to become a part of the pageant cast can contact Ron Sanders. He is the pageant director. Pres. Giles said, “We really want this to be a community pageant. We encourage anyone in the community to come and participate with us. All community members are welcome. All of the bishops in the area have applications. We will be on Facebook this year and Devin Esplin is taking care of our Facebook advertising. He is busy building the Facebook page. We are really in the organization phase of the pageant now. Our dates are set for the pageant. We will be having some clean-up days at the pageant site and anyone wishing to help with clean-up should contact Dennis Gordon. He is moving things along in that area. Ron Sanders is our director this year and Julie Johansen Pizzuto is the assistant director.
“We are working on advertising the pageant now too. The brochures are almost ready to be printed and the large billboard at the mouth of Spanish Fork canyon will be updated. We have had some groups express interest in attending and some youth conferences are being planned around the pageant. We would like to encourage everyone in our county to invite their friends and relatives to attend the pageant. It’s sometimes amazing how many people in our own county haven’t seen the pageant. This pageant is a real drawing card for our county, it brings tourists and their dollars to our area. If you would like to volunteer to help with the pageant, but don’t want to be a cast member then that’s OK too. There are many things to be accomplished when preparing for the pageant. We have several families in our area, that have been involved with the pageant in some way or another for many years,” said Giles.
Montell Seely is the founder of the Castle Valley Pageant, he wrote the script for the pageant and discovered the pageant site. Seely passed away in August of 2008 in an accident.

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