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Huntington signs Community Covenant


"Huntington City Council members along with the Utah National Guard and American Legion sign the Huntington Community Covenant. Mayor Hilary Gordon, Council members Julie Jones and Jerry Livingston, Mar Grange, Owen Olsen, Sgt. Maj. Steven Vogl, Brig. Gen Michael Lechty, Blake Jones, Bert Leamaster, Fon Leamaster and Mac Sitterud."

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Huntington City held their Community Covenant signing on Aug. 18. The city council, Utah National Guard members and residents gathered at the Huntington park. Mayor Hilary Gordon welcomed everyone to the meeting. She said part of the Community Covenant program is to give our servicemen and women the respect they deserve. The scouts presented the flags and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Ray Quinn from the American Legion introduced the veterans present. The Huntington Glee Club under the direction of Bryce Wilson with Annette Cook accompanying sang a medley of patriotic and military related tunes.
Ben and Colton Clement sang the National Anthem.
Brig. Gen. Michael Lechty said they planned on arriving at the Huntington signing by Blackhawk helicopter, but all the helicopters were in use fighting a fire near Camp Williams. He thanked the glee club for their songs saying they were really good. He commented on how he enjoys traveling around to the communities and meeting people and attending community covenant signings. The community covenant program helps communities to step up and do something positive to recognize the people who serve and sacrifice in our communities.
Since 2001, recruitment has increased and there have been many young men and young women stepping up to serve. Patriotism was at an all-time high after 9-11.
The Utah National Guard thanked Huntington for being willing to step up and help take care of our soldiers. That is one less worry for the military members while they are away. When the family core is strengthened then our soldiers are strengthened.
Sgt. Ryan Palmer recognized the General and the Sgt. Major for being in Huntington this day to support this community in their signing ceremony. The leaders of the National Guard support this program and realize its importance.
A leader from the headquarters of the National Guard came to Utah to see why Utah’s program is so successful and to take information back to Washington to build the program across the nation. She met with mayors and city council members and attended a community covenant signing in Loa. She will take what she’s learned back to Arlington. In Utah there is strong support for the military and its importance. Sgt. Palmer doubts she will find the support around the nation that we have in Utah. “We have strong support of our military in our communities,” said Sgt. Palmer.
Sgt. Palmer read Huntington’s covenant which states the city will support our military and work to build a strong community and strong families. Huntington will build partnerships with military families. Huntington City thanks the military for their service.
The mayor and city council members came forward and signed the covenant. The veterans present signed the covenant as well as the national guard and community members.
Those present were treated to a barbeque dinner hosted by the city council.

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