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Letter to the Editor

By Jerry Stotler Ferron

An Abundant or a Tin Cup America

Do you remember the pictures of the old organ grinder with his cute little monkey in the red vest, red hat and the tin cup? The organ grinder would turn the handle of the organ and crank out some music while the monkey would pass the tin cup collecting donations from passersby. Though the pair were beggars, they gave something to those passing by.
Today we have a different kind of beggar. They stand at the corner with a cardboard sign begging for a handout or go to the local government handout office without giving anything back. Sure, they are on hard times, but the attitude is different. The organ grinder at least worked to entertain his donors, to sing for his supper so to speak.
This president has borrowed, spent and wasted $5 trillion, in just three years, of American taxpayers assets. It is like going to a high class electronics store, buying the biggest, baddest large screen TV made, putting the $8,000 price on your credit card, then on the way home, driving it and your brand new pickup truck off a cliff. That is the economic style of the liberals in Washington D.C. What we have to show for our huge $16 trillion debt? What do you have to show for the money they squandered? Nothing but more welfare dads.
I think the arrogant, liberal, central planners in Washington D.C. really think they are smarter than anyone else. I will give them the benefit of the doubt and say they really believe they are that smart. (By the way, intelligence is what God gave us. Smart and stupid is what we do with it.) Bear in mind that they want to take the wealth from those that created it (the givers) and redistribute it to those who would gladly give up freedom for the free stuff (the takers).
I think the arrogant elitists in our government and colleges believe that by redistributing the wealth of the able, everyone will have enough. But they fail to realize two things. First, the American system has created more abundance for more people than any other nation in history. No nation has ever provided the wealth for its people as has the American free enterprise system (Free Enterprise, Free to enter the business for the promise of the Prize.)
Second, every nation that has gone down that road has always given its people poverty, misery and death and ended in destruction, but the elite lived well for a time. Though they want the people to come begging to Washington for hand outs, but in a practical sense, they want the power to manipulate the people through hunger and deprivation while telling them all the while that Big Brother is watching out for them.
They would have America become a tin cup society, begging for handouts from them. Another four years of Obama and his cronies will make us a Tin Cup America. This election will decide between an abundant America and a Tin Cup America. You choose.

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