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Letters to the Editor

By Carl Kem Green River

Emery County business

It seems I may have found an answer folks have been looking for. To enlighten you to the answer, let me cover a few of the surrounding issues, like doing business in Emery County versus other counties.
It seems that people expect people to do business here. Well, that’s just fine and dandy except you’re not going to get business just because you’re here. Sometimes you even have to be open for business. Then, your prices should be a bit more competitive. Yeah it gets expensive buying stuff elsewhere, if you travel just to shop. But when you do business elsewhere, you save a lot of money by shopping there and not here. Businesses can’t charge an arm and a leg, then pay their employees a tad bit above minimum wage and still expect to stay in business. You have to treat your customers and employes right. Hiring illegal aliens doesn’t make it any better. It’s pretty bad when I’m trying to get some customer service and the sales clerk no habla inglis.
Accidents happen, I suppose. But it sure seems fishy when the owners are LDS. I’m not picking on the LDS church, instead I’m praising them for their high standards as held in the Articles of Faith. We can leave it to the church leaders to decide if federal immigration laws apply to them or not. It must be an awesome feeling being able to decide what laws apply to oneself when no one else has that choice.
I can see why Emery County residents are hesitant to trust Grand County law enforcement. You know, the guys running around loose with badges and very big guns. You know, the kind of guys that scope in on unarmed and innocent clientele at a public event using a very big gun with a very big scope.
This did not happen in my imagination. I used to collect guns years back. I know what a high powered bolt action rifle with a high powered scope looks like when I’m looking at it and the buffoon holding it is only 450 meters away looking through 10×50 binocs. It’s some strange things them fellas do in their quest to bring an end to whatever it is they wanna stop.
That’s not to mention when trespassers pay a visit to a respected agricultural facility and tamper with equipment and no law enforcement personnel show up to take photos of the proof or do a report. However if you do more than 5 mph over the ridiculously low speed limit, they’ll be on you like flies on rotten meat).
Strange times indeed.
In the last letter I wrote I spoke against illegal aliens. Some folks were downright offended by what I said. You’re right- I don’t like illegals. However I’m being politically correct in this letter, something I’m not when anyone sees me in person. Such is life. But I don’t go running around checking everyone’s immigration documents except for when some high school kid brags about being an illegal and having the right to work here without documents because his family has been here since before the Revolutionary War. If that’s so, then why are you an illegal alien? Prove you’ve been here and your family has been here for time eternal like you preach. No, the U.S. did not steal anything from your country. You allege to be born here, so you’re American and I can’t seem to imagine the U.S. stealing from itself. That’s like taking a $5 bill out of my right pocket and putting it in my left and then calling myself a cat burglar.
But something that really rubs me raw is when I apply for a job I know I can do, I have the experience and references, and am turned away because the employer feels I can’t handle it because they know I have several physical disabilities/impairments. They turn me down even though I haven’t asked for an ADA accommodation yet. Then comparing me to when they hire illegal aliens because the illegals can do the work. Comparing a disabled American to an abled-bodied illegal? That’s real bright. I think someone put too much brownie mix in your marijuana. One of those physical impairments I got while serving in the US Army….
In closing I have an inquiry for Mr. Brady the mayor of Green River. Pat, you said you went out to California to see the USMC in action. How one of their officers said they aren’t there to defend Americans but to defend the Constitution. That was a joke, right? Because the USMC saving the Constitution 12,000 miles away in a third world cesspool with the mess we have stateside is about like me ragging on you about the crickets in your basement when I have a few thousand cockroaches in my kitchen. I’m not saying that officer lied to you (and us), I’m just saying he wasn’t being honest.
Even after all this I still think that while this county is a great place made of great people, like anywhere else, it has it’s glitches.

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