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Letter to the Editor

By Louis J. Sansevero Ferron

Only one Jesus Christ

Recently I received an email from someone I considered a “friend” which contained caustic diatribe supporting and contrasting Mitt Romney and Pres. Obama while simultaneously condemning Mormonism as a non-Christian religion which worshipped a “false Jesus Christ”. My response to this “friend” was immediate; “I find this email, as I do all criticisms of my religious beliefs, insulting and the authors of thoughts such as this bigoted idiot’s as non-Christian. Christians are simply followers of Jesus Christ, members of the LDS faith follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, strive to live Christ-like lives, and ascribe to the very same Old and New testaments as other Christians, moreover we believe in the very same Jesus Christ as all other Christians. If you, or this fool, don’t believe this then sit down and make a side by side comparison of “our” Jesus and “your” Jesus, starting with his birth, parents, ancestors, teachings, and the significant events of his life and death. After doing this if you come to the conclusion that these are two different people who share a name then you don’t have the intelligence that I have attributed to you.
Denial of our belief in the Lord Jesus Christ is derived from the author of contention, Satan, and those that repeat this lie are not followers of Jesus Christ but minions of the adversary. In the future do not forward trash like this to me if you value our friendship.”
I don’t know what other “Mormons”, from the newest member to the Prophet, will say but this member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is sick and tired of this evil philosophy being spread by religious bigots as Christian doctrine and who believe that anyone who doesn’t believe exactly as they do are followers of false Christian doctrine. This is one “Mormon” who doesn’t intend to sit quietly by as my faith and beliefs are attacked. I have always respected the religious beliefs of those I’ve encountered in life and demand that very same level of respect from others. In my community one of the individuals that I hold in high regard is the pastor of the local Baptist church. I view him as a good, God-fearing Christian man even though his beliefs are slightly different than my own and would never even consider questioning or denying his Christianity. If you are one that doesn’t intend to return that level of respect I demand then keep your idiotic, bigoted “religious” philosophy to yourself because I am not interested in listening to your use of twisted interpretations of scripture to defend your lunacy nor your self-righteous rantings of false piety. If you are someone of my acquaintance and hold this twisted view of Christianity keep your thoughts to yourself and disengage yourself from my circle of friends and associates.
As indicated in my reply to my “friend”, if you can sit down and make a side by side comparison of the LDS Jesus and “your” Jesus, starting with his birth, parents, ancestors, teachings, and the significant events of his life and death and come to the conclusion that these are two different people who just happened to share a name and just happened to live in the same town at the same time and have done the exact same things in the exact same order with one being a false “Christ” and the other a “true” Christ then you have been indoctrinated to the point of mindlessness or are simply an idiot and not a Christian. Christians do not have to have the exact same practices to be Christians they need only to share the same knowledge of the divinity of Jesus Christ. Differences only make Christians, true Christians, members of different sects of the same Christianity.

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