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Emery County Employees of the month USU Extension


"Commissioner Ethan Migliori, Dennis Worwood USU Extension Agent, Gaylene Warburton, and Christine Jensen."

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The Emery County Employee of the month is the Utah State Extension Office Emery County. Dennis Worwood and Christine Jensen are employees of Utah State University and Gaylene Warburton is employed by Emery County as support for this office. This office is the driving force behind the Southeastern Utah Jr. Livestock Show which just held it’s 75th successful show and also the exhibits at the County and State Fair. But these two events are only a small part of the things they do.
Christine runs summer 4H programs which hold weekly activities in Green River and western Emery County. This is where a lot of the exhibits for the fair come from. She also holds the ever popular “Festive Fridays” as well as teaches classes on money management, nutrition and skills to troubled youth.
Gaylene is the point contact for office patrons and either provides information for them or directs them to the appropriate person. She is also the Treasurer for the Southeastern Utah Jr. Livestock Show and helps with all aspects of the 4H programs. Dennis serves on many county boards and no matter what the subject is – he can answer your question. In a commissioner training, it was once stated that “if you don’t know anything about a subject – go to your extension agent for the answer.”
Their job description is to provide research-based information to help Emery County citizens reach their goals and live better, more productive lives – of which they are doing a great job.

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