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Huntington City to replace rodeo seating


At the March meeting of the Huntington City Council, new projects in the city were the main topics discussed. The City has been working on continuing the Main Street lights onto the east side of the block between 300 South and 400 South with UDOT. The Utah State Agency has agreed to fund $20,000 of the expected $35,000 cost for four street lights. The City Council voted to not do this but to instead look at putting in a regular street light.
Huntington City had two public hearings to address moving money as required by law. The funding was to support the current parks project/rodeo grounds project. The funding comes from CIB.
Huntington city is looking for bids to remove a metal building from the city park. The Council decided to put the structure up for sale with the winning bid being required to remove said building at a reasonable date so that further construction of new restrooms and concession area can proceed. The City will advertise around town plus on the internet.
Councilman Mark Justice reported that the old grandstands at the rodeo grounds are now gone and that the City has ordered the new grandstands to replace them. Construction work will progress with the idea that all work will be done in plenty of time for the Heritage Days rodeo.
Councilman Jerry Livingston reported that they are ready to spray dandelions at the cemetery and will soon fertilize so that the cemetery will be beautiful by Memorial Day, less than two months away.
Councilperson Gloria Wilson reported that the city flower planters will be planted on May 7th and would accept help from all who want to come out. Wilson also reported the city will hold a CERT meeting on Tuesday March 25th at the City Hall.
Councilperson Laneaa Cowley reported that the City Easter Egg hunt will be April 17th at 1:00 p.m. at Lions Park and Harts Field.
Zoning Administrator Gary Arrington led a discussion on Chapter 2 of Title 6 that has to do with parking around the city. The ordinance currently states that it violates city ordinance to park any vehicle on city streets longer than 72 hours. It also states that you cannot park with the driver’s door against the curb or that you cannot park with the front of the vehicle pulled into the curb without angle parking lines painted on the road. It also states that any camper, trailer or boat cannot be parked on city streets. The Council tabled the discussion until next month in order for them to look further at it.

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