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Registration Open for Popular Writers Conference

Registration is now open for the eighth annual Kanab Writers Conference to be held the evening of October 20 and all day October 21 at Kanab Middle School in Kanab, Utah.
The keynote speaker this year will be Ally Condie, #1 New York Times bestselling author of young adult and middle-grade fiction, including The Matched Trilogy. With twenty top-notch presenters and over twenty-six breakout classes, there is something for everyone, from beginner to pro.
People say that the Kanab Writers Conference is a hidden gem, not only because it is held among the brilliant red cliffs of Southern Utah, but also because the boutique nature of the conference allows attendees more time and opportunity to rub shoulders with presenters. As a bonus this year, the conference offers a guided writers’ hike on Kanab’s scenic Bunting Trail at 10 a.m. on Friday.
Kanab Writers Conference is sponsored by CEBA, Kanab’s Council for Education, Business and the Arts and by the Kane County Office of Tourism. Their support allows the conference to charge a fee of only $50 for those who register online. At the door, the fee is $60. The conference fee includes lunch.
The conference will feature presentations on the basics of the writing craft along with master classes in action scenes and deep point-of-view. There will be a career management strand, including the business end of writing. Writers pursuing the indie track will enjoy classes in self-publishing, marketing, and audiobooks, and there will also be workshops for children’s book authors.
Attendees who have written books are invited to sell their books in the conference bookstore. Go to www.kanabwritersconference.com to read more about the conference and register online.

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