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Castle Dale City climbing wall almost complete


The rear wall of the information center has been turned into a climbing wall. Photo submitted by Castle Dale City

By Patsy Stoddard

The new climbing wall on the back wall of the information center is nearing completion. A ribbon cutting for the wall will be held during the bouldering festival.
On Oct. 20 at 6 p.m. the ribbon will be cut to officially open the wall.
The Castle Dale city council held a Public Hearing for Rezoning Property. Kerry Lake presented a map to the Council showing the location and current zoning of the property. It is adjacent to a R-1 Zone across the road. The Land Use Committee recommends to make this change so the property owner can build a house on the land. The ordinance was approved.
Darshell Leroy the recreation director for the county approached the city concerning an ice skating rink on city property. The County Rec Department wants to build an Ice Skating Rink on city property by the city shop. They will purchase the skates and rent them to skaters.
Mayor Dan Van Wagoner said there is a problem with the location by the city shop. A better place would be the dirt parking area behind the Rec Center. It is easier to access and easier to monitor. Our liability insurance will cover this. They want a plan in place for maintenance and monitoring of the rink. Darshell said the county will draft waivers to be signed upon renting of skates, and will post signs “Skate at Your Own Risk” on the site. A question was asked about the size of the rink and would it be big enough to play hockey.
Council member Julie Johansen stated the city has a lot of questions, but are in favor of this project. She suggested the County go ahead with the plans, and at the October City Council meeting present the size and other information to be voted on. The item was postponed until October.
Amanda Leonard events coordinator for the county approached the city for a fee waiver for the Bouldering Festival. “The Bouldering Festival is Oct. 20-22. We have many people pre-registered already. I have sent pictures of the new climbing wall to some of the boulderers and they are excited about it.
“This is the third year of the Festival, and we are considered one of the top Bouldering Festivals in the country. We have some big sponsors this year including Adidas. The Cowboy Games are a big hit with visitors. We are asking for a fee waiver for use of the Indoor Arena for the Festival,” said Leonard.
With the fee waiver Castle Dale will be listed as a sponsor of the Bouldering Festival.
The Temporary Land Use Ordinance was approved. “I don’t anticipate using this very often, if at all, but would like it to be in place should we need it. It allows the City Council to rule on Land Use decisions,” said Lake.
The Castle Dale City municipal election has been cancelled. There are two council seats open and two candidates Doug Weaver and Julie Johansen. The mayor seat is open and one candidate, Dan Van Wagoner for that seat.
Lake said the Land Use Committee has completed the revision of their application for approval of Short Term Rentals. When a property owner wants a STR license, they will approach the Land Use Committee first, then the city council for approval. He will give a copy of this to the office staff.
Jared Lofthouse from Code Enforcement said there is still a cargo container on Valley View Drive that is out of compliance. The council decided to approach the owner, he has had enough time and needs to move the container. Other cargo containers discussed were decided to be in compliance.
Council Member Doug Weaver reported the dogs from last month’s bite incident have completed their quarantine, and the owner has set a court date of Oct. 10.
There was an incident this week where five dogs got out of the fence and attacked the neighbor’s chickens. The owners were cited for not having dog licenses and for having more that the allowed number of dogs.
Chief Nosh Arrien said the Burn Window is Sept. 15 to Nov. 15. “We are helping with a burn assist on 800 North next week to protect adjacent homes. The lack of funding that caused our grant denial last month may also eliminate investigations from the local fire marshal in Richfield.”
Chief Arrien would have to do more investigation and he is currently certified. He may also have to do more inspections. Currently he does about six a year for day cares and a few businesses. He is not certified to inspect commercial kitchens.
Mayor Van Wagoner suggested that commercial inspection firms could do the inspections. Lake said the High School already has three inspections a year that are performed by an outside firm.
Seth Smith may return to work next week on doctor’s OK. If not then, it will be Oct 1. The climbing wall will be done by Oct. 2. Arrien gave the council a list of surplus equipment, and asked for their approval to sell this equipment with a sealed bid auction. The office staff will advertise the equipment for two weeks.
The retrofit of lighting in cooperation with Rocky Mountain Power is partially completed. The lights in the arena, shop, and fire station are done inside and they are waiting on outside lights.
Arrien gave a summary of completed projects this year including the new stage at the fairgrounds, kiosk at the cemetery, moving the fence at the ball field and the climbing wall.
They also redid the heaters in the Welcome Center restrooms.
“We didn’t get the trees over sidewalks trimmed or do the sidewalk grinding or replace asphalt. We received our new city truck,” stated Arrien.
Council Member Jake Barnett said, “We have had a youth city council meeting and have three members. They are going to recruit for our next meeting. We want to do service projects and help at city activities.”
Mayor Van Wagoner reviewed the list of projects by the Castle Valley Special Service District for next year.
The mayor said he has been approached concerning a possible purchase of the old city hall and he wants the building to be appraised. He also wants the property where the old Sheriff’s Office was located appraised.

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