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County hosts special dinner for senior citizens.



On Dec. 14, 2017 the Emery County commissioners and elected officials hosted and served a Christmas dinner for the senior citizens of Emery County.
The dining room was well decorated with Christmas decorations and a bank of Christmas trees in one corner.
There were seniors from every town in Emery County including the Green River seniors who came by bus. Commissioners Paul Cowley and Lynn Sitterud welcomed the large number of senior citizens that filled the Orangeville old firehouse or Orangeville Community Center.
Upon arrival each senior citizen was given a ticket to be used in a contest for prizes.
The interesting warm-up activity of drawing a Christmas scene on a paper plate while it was upon the top of the head of the person doing the drawing.
Two winners of that contest were Karen Dellos of Orangeville and Doug Weaver Castle Dale. Some seniors came dressed in Christmas costumes.
Before the dinner Commissioner Paul Cowley read the story of the Christmas scout. This story was about a young  Boy Scout who shared his Christmas presents including his winter coat with several poor and needy families in his hometown.
Before this evening was over the participants were asked to check under the chair they were sitting on to see if they had a red or green tag. If they found a red or green tag they then received a table decoration.
The dinner of roast turkey, sweet potatoes, stuffing mix, rolls, mashed potatoes and gravy followed up with pie was very enjoyable.
 The dinner appeared to have been catered by B K’s Stop & Shop of Huntington with help from Stewart’s Market in Castle Dale.

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