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Orangeville City council to honor “Our heritage at celebration


Cambree Bennett talks about her experience at Girl’s State. Danyale Service

By Danyale Service

In June the Orangeville city held a regular city council meeting. Mayor Roger Swenson presided over the meeting. The opening prayer and Pledge of Allegiance began the meeting. All bills and warrants were approved. Soon after Mikaya Pittman and Cambree Benett approached the city council members to thank them for the sponsorship which allowed Mikaya and Cambree to go to Girls State.
Tracey Reid co-owner of The Smoke Pit asked for permission to station the food truck at the Orangeville welcome park one to three times a week. They will be selling Texas style BBQ with drinks and hamburgers. City council members approved, and The Smoke Pit owners will let the city know when they will be operating.
The library thanked the council for the donation which allowed prizes such as bubblegum to a hover-ball.
The council members are deciding on the next move they will take regarding the softball field. However, a loan for the softball field is over $400,000 and would put Orangeville further into debt. The council members are planning to go to the CIB in July and make a case for a grant. They are opposed to loans but will consider something else. The council members also decided that rental of the concession stand in the baseball park would be $5 from April 1 to Sept 1.
All resolutions and ordinances that were brought forth in the council meeting were approved and adopted.
Concerns about the zoning of tiny houses will be brought up in another council meeting. If the state passes medical marijuana, the council members will come together and discuss regulations on it.
Ruanne Lefflang, City Recorder, announced her retirement for January 1 after 28 years of service. Please let her know how much her work is appreciated.
The Fire Department needs more firefighter personnel for fires residing in city limits. Also, The Youth City Council is looking for members to join, if interested ask Carol Stilson for information.
It is almost the time of the year that everyone looks forward to including the Orangeville celebration. The preparations for Orangeville City Days have begun and assignments given. The theme for this year is Honoring Our Heritage. The Grand Marshal for the celebration will be a veteran from the Korean war and Mervin Miles will be honored.

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