Sheriff Lamar Guymon, Pam Juliano and Dennis Dooley at the Emery County Democrats dinner. |
On Feb. 11, the Emery County Democratic party held a dinner meeting to build support for future Democratic candidates. The evening began with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag presented by Sheriff Lamar Guymon and County Commissioner Gary Kofford. Following dinner the Vice Chair of the State Democrat Party, Rob Miller, was the first speaker. He said there is no need for Utah Democrats to drum up fear and negative attacks on political opponents. Instead we should be proud of the service Democrats are providing for the people of Utah such as fighting for strong schools and health care that is fair to all. He said if the Democrats get seven more seats in the Utah State House of Representatives this year, we could restore the balance of power Utah once had.
Craig Axford from the Democratic National Committee spoke next. He pointed out the importance of getting people excited about going to their precinct caucus meetings as well as the county and state conventions. He encouraged everyone to invite all of their friends and neighbors to attend the precinct caucus meetings on March 21.
The keynote speaker was Dennis Dooley, from the Carbon County Democrats. He called the subject of his talk Liberalism, God and Ice Cream. He said: “If you are a Democrat you will be labeled as a liberal. Somehow a nice sweet word like liberal has become synonymous with ‘minion of Satan’. Now come on. If you go to the ice cream store do you want the nice serving person to be liberal with the ice cream or conservative with the Tutti-Frutti? The dictionary definition of liberal is: ‘Not limited to (or by) established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry. Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded. Tending to give freely; generous; permissible or appropriate for a person of free birth; befitting a lady or gentleman’. Somehow ‘tolerant’ and ‘generous’ don’t seem likely attributes of a minion of Satan.
“My favorite part of the ‘Good Book’ is in the last part of Matthew. Forgive me if I paraphrase a bit: “‘Whatsoever you have done for these, the least of my brethren; that you have done also for me.’ Sort of sounds like a commandment to be openhanded and generous.�
“We should all be humbled by the words of Abraham Lincoln. In the dark days of the Civil War Lincoln mused; ‘In great contests each party claims to act in accordance with the will of God.’ Then Lincoln questioned whether ‘God’s purpose is something different from the purpose of either party.’ We would all be wise to remember those words. We have a President who claims that anyone who questions him is a traitor and a tool of the terrorists.
“My favorite Republican, Theodore Roosevelt, had this to say; ‘To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.’ If there is no oversight, there are no checks and balances. No President should have this kind of power. Benjamin Franklin said, ‘Those who give up liberty for safety deserve neither.’
“I don’t know about you Democrats but this Democrat is sick and tired of being called a traitor, being called immoral, being called ungodly simply because I check a D instead of an R. There is not one D in this room who is a traitor; who does not love this country. Your very presence here tonight testifies that you are willing to sacrifice your time and energy in furtherance of the dream of our Republic. I would guess there isn’t one person in the room who doesn’t fear God and seek to further his work on earth. I doubt there is one person in this room who doesn’t have more family values in his or her little finger than Newt Gingrich ever conceived of.
“I know there is not a soul in this room who does not honor the sacrifice of our service men and women. It’s time to draw a line in the sand. Time to call them on this nonsense. As Edmund Burke said, ‘All that is necessary for evil to flourish is for good people to do nothing,'” said Dooley.
County Chair, Gary Petty, thanked the speakers and told everyone to “be proud we’re Democrats.”
The evening ended with Glenys Sitterud (Vice Chair) and FloAnn Wilson (County Party Secretary) leading a drawing for door prizes.