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Bighorn Sheep Watch

The Division of Wildlife Resources will host a bighorn sheep watch at Sunnyside on June 16 from 3-8 p.m. There will be signs to guide participants to the viewing area. For more information, contact Brent Stettler at 435-636-0266.

Play It Safe Summertime Safety

A play it safe summertime safety workshop and bike rodeo will be held at Huntington Lion’s Park on June 27 for children ages 3-12. Sgt. Martin Wilson will conduct the rodeo and teach summertime safety. Bring your bikes and come have fun.

Emery Spardettes Fund Raiser Yard Sale and Car Wash

The Emery Spardettes will hold a fund raiser yard sale and car wash on June 23 in the Orangeville City Park. There will be a lot of items to choose from. It will be from 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

Castle Country Playdays

The Castle Country playdays series will be held June 30, July 14, Aug. 11 and Sept. 15 in Huntington. Sign-ups will be from 8-8:45 a.m. and start time is 9 a.m. For more information contact Karl and Trisha Jensen at 653-2770 or Anita Sitterud at 653-2782.

Food Handler’s Classes

Food handler’s class will be taught June 21 at 4 and 7 p.m. at the SEUDHD office, 25 West Main in Castle Dale. For more information call 381-2252, and in Price on June 20 at 9 a.m., 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. at the District Health Department at 28 South 100 East.

Huntington Lion’s Club Garage Sale

Huntington Lion’s Club will hold a garage sale in the Star Theatre parking lot on June 16 from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. All proceeds will go to the Relay for Life.

Relay for Life

The 2007 Emery County Relay for Life will be held June 29-30 beginning Friday night at 6 p.m. and ending Saturday morning with breakfast at 9 a.m. The theme this year is A Circus with a Purpose. It’s a big year for the Emery County Relay with 22 teams participating and more than 66 business and individual sponsors. The agenda is: opening ceremony-6 p.m.; survivor walk. Dinner-for only $5 per plate. Survivors eat for free. Memory wall-submit a picture and short biography to Sandy Behling. Email to sammyjo@etv.net or mail to PO Box 554, Ferron, UT 84523. Questions? Call Sandy at 384-2983.

Miss Relay Contest

Miss Relay Contest: Male contestants are provided by participating teams. The contestants have from 6:30-10 p.m. to parade in their finest dresses and accessories and gather votes in the form of money and donations. Don’t miss the talent portion. The winner will be crowned at 10:30 p.m. after their efforts and money are tallied.

MECCA Bike Ride

The MECCA bike ride for the Relay for Life will take off after the opening ceremony. Questions? Contact Jami Jensen at 653-2219.

Girls Scouts Staff Reunion

Reconnect with friends and the places that created the magic moments that we treasure. If you have ever worked at Camp Red Cliff, Echoing Pines, Camp Cloud Rim or Trefoil Ranch, you are welcome to attend the camp staff renunion. Visit www.gsutah.org for event details and registration ro contact Susie Alley at 801-292-3295 or Lisa Hardin-Reynolds at 801-265-8472 or lhardin@gsutah.org.

Vendors and Crafters

Call the Emery Town Office at 286-2417 to reserve your booth space for July 21. Sell your wares, food and crafts at Emery Town’s Pioneer Day celebration.

Aglow International

Aglow International welcomes you to an evening of fellowship on June 12 at 6:30 p.m. at the housing authority community room, 255 South 1600 East, Price. For more information call Margi at 637-4408 or Tammy at 472-8344.

Farm Service Agency Nominations

Nominations for candidates to run for county committee election representing all producers in 1.AA #1 will be accepted from June 15-Aug. 1 FSA-669A, nomination form must be filled out and returned the the FSA office before Aug. 1.

Stockshow Entries Due

Entries for the Southeastern Utah Jr. Livestock Show (Ferron) are due in the USU Extension Office no later than Monday, June 11. For entry forms or more information, please contact the Extension Office at 381-2381.

Young Single Adults

YSA will have a bike ride and breakfast at the Panel on June 16. Take the Castle Dale turnoff SR-10 to the desert and meet at White Rocks at 7 a.m. Breakfast will await at the Buckhorn Panel. Helmets are a must. Bring your friends. The ride is mostly downhill. More activities are coming throughout the summer.

Rocky Mountain School of Baseball Summer Camps

The Rocky Mountain school of Baseball will hold its annual summer camps at BYU’s Miller Field on June 11-12 and 13-14 for ages 7-18. Groups will be divided into ages and will emphasize hitting and defense. For more information call 1-877-272-0862 or visit www.rmsb.com.

Emery County 4-H Summer Activities

Any youth that is 8 years old or older and completed 3rd grade may enroll in these 4-H Summer Activities. Adults please volunteer to help with these activities. bicycle rodeo, babysitting camp, quilt camp, cooking in the park, fly tying and mini fishing kit, mini society, 4-h day camp, cake decorating, robotics, arts and crafts, ceramics, tie dyed T-shirts.

Emery County Fair Theme: New Adventures Await.

Entries are due July 31. Entries are accepted at the exhibit building at the fair grounds. Food, fruits and vegetable entries will be due Aug. 1, no later than 10 a.m. Enter your projects from this past year. If you have questions regarding what is an acceptable fair entry, contact the 4-H office. The guidelines will soon be on the website as well. These activities, dates and times are subject to change. For junior high camps, registrations will be accepted beginning May 29. If you would like to participate in any or all of the activities but are unable to afford these camps, some scholarships are available. Contact Christine Jensen for further information. The Utah State University Extension Office is open each day, Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and the phone number is 381-2381.

Scrapbook and Card Classes

Scrapbook and card classess will be held June 15 at the Castle Dale senior center from 5:30 p.m.-midnight. Oh Baby scrapbook class $10. All occasion card class $12. Families are Forever in frame $20. For more information call Tiffany @ 435-384-2272

River Rats Camp

Canyonlands Field Institute is offering a River Rats Camp for teens age 13-18 on Aug. 5-11. The campers will run the river from Loma, Colo. through Westwater during this hands-on workshop. For more information visit www.canyonlandsfieldinst.org or call 435-259-7750. Partial scholarships are available.

Spring for the Children Ride

The Bikers Against Child Abuse (BACA) is hosting their second annual Spring for the Children ride to benefit child advocacy on June 23. If your are interested inriding, meet at 9 a.m. at Kokopelli’s in Price.

Green River Golf Course

Beginning June 17, Green River Golf Course will offer all day golf, with cart, for $20 per person. For more information call 435-564-8882.

Comments Requested on Lake Fuels Project

The US Forest Service is requesting comments and suggestions related to the Lake fuels project. They must be submitted to the Forest Service by June 20. Send comments to Manti-LaSal National Forest, Price/Ferron Ranger District, P.O. Box 310, Ferron, UT 84523. Personal information such as name and contact information must accompany your comments.

Miss Emery Pageant

The Miss Emery scholarship pageant will be held on July 14 at 7 p.m. Contestants must be 17 years of age by Sept. 1 to be in the pageant. Most juniors qualify. Anyone wishing to sign-up to compete in this scholarship pageant are encouraged to contact Jerilyn Spears, pageant director at 381-5667 or 381-2239 or call the Emery County Progress at 381-2431. Competition includes talent, interview, swimwear, on-stage question and evening gown.Scholarships for the pageant winner are queen, $1,200, first attendant, $700, second attendant, $500.

Cottonwood Canal Company Summer Hours

Make note of the summer hours for the Cottonwood Canal Company. The hours are: Thursday from 3-6 p.m., and Friday from 9 a.m.-noon. For more information call Stan at 381-2073.

Photographs for the County Fair

The display theme this year will be “Fences”, that are old, new, leaning, upright, toppled, prosperous, funtional, any that tell a story in a glance. Contact Stan for further information at 381-2466.

Former Miss Emery County

The Emery Pageant committee is putting together a list of all the young ladies who have served as Miss Emery. If you are, or you know a former Miss Emery, contact Jarilyn at 381-5667 or 749-1983. The need if for contact information and photos.

June at John Wesley Powell Museum

The Fourth Annual Canyon River Runners Art Show will be held during June. On the June 30 the Museum is hosting Shirley Venus Day from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. There will be a silent auction, a painting presentation, and the Nine Mile Players will play until 2 p.m. in Shirley’s honor. Many artists will be working along the river from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. If you have any questions you can call the John Wesley Powell River History Museum at (435) 564-3427.

Grants for Sustaining Agriculture

Applications are now avalilable for more than $2 million in grants focusing on research and education to sustain agriculture in the West. Applications can be obtained from the Western SARE Web site http://wsare.usu.edu, by calling 435-797-2257, or by emailing wsare@ext.usu.edu.

Host Families

ASSE is seeking local families to host high school boys and girls from diverse countries around the world. Call 1-800-733-2773.

Soldiers Addresses Needed

American Legion Auxiliary #42 of Ferron is looking for addresses from people of Emery County that have love ones proudly serving our country in a war zone such as Iraq and Afghanistan. We have a program started three years ago called Operation Home Support which we send packages to soldiers, but we need help from Emery County residents with the names and addresses of your loved ones that are serving. They need a package from Operation Home Support to let them know they aren’t forgotten and that we care and support them. Contact us if you have a family member serving: Jan Hess at 384-2753 or Dixie Swasey at 384-3172. Leave a message and we will return your call.

Host Families Needed

Open your heart and home to an international exchange student. P.I.E. urgently needs host families and area representatives. Call 1-800-828-9001.

Old Mine Maps

The Utah Geological Survey is looking for old abandoned coal mine maps. The maps will only be borrowed for a digital image and then will be return to the owners. For more information go to www.geology.utah.gov.

Retreat for Girls

Retreat for Girls is for girls LDS girls ages 12-15, 11 year olds can come upon request. The program is held at Utah State University on June 25-29. The girls have the opportunity to listen to wonderful speakers, do service projects, crafts and many activities with their group. For more information go to www.retreatforgirls.com.

Narconon Help

Each year individuals struggling with drug and alcohol addiction make the resolution to quit. Narconon Arrowhead can help. Narconon offers free counseling, assessments and referrals to rehabilitation centers nationwide by call 800-468-6933 or logging on at www.stopaddiction.com.

Host Families

Foreign high school students are scheduled to arrive soon for academic semester and year home-stay programs, and the sponsoring organization needs a few more local host families. If you are interested call 1-866-546-1402.

New Beginnings

An Al-Anon meeting for families and friends of alcoholics will be held every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. in the Ferron City Hall building, 15 South State, Ferron.

Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity of Castle Country (Emery and Carbon counties) meets the second Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Carbon County Courthouse small conference room. This meeting is open to the public. To put in an application or get more information about HFH call our new office 435-637-9701, Monday-Saturday or stop in All Scrapped Up, 170 South 700 East, Price. Looking for three people from Emery County to fill board positions for 2007. Donations toward the present wheel-cha

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