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Letter to the Editor: Global Warming: the Sacrifice of Sanity

By RAINER HUCK Salt Lake City

You can’t pick up a paper these days without being assaulted by the climate change doomsayers and their endless whining about how the evil super consumers of America are destroying the planet.
Elements of the media have become like hungry dogs snapping up every scrap of news describing the various “sky is falling” scenarios threatening global devastation if we continue to maintain our standard of living through the use of fossil fuels. With story after story predicting doom, and next to nothing being said about the objective reality of the threat or the cost of the cure, it is understandable that even ordinarily rational people are demanding some kind of action.
The human caused global warming “crisis” is a classic example of the Problem-Reaction-Solution principle employed by our rulers for countless generations to build popular support for the power they intend to misuse. The process is simple and foolproof: A problem is invented and dire predictions are widely and repeatedly publicized about its catastrophic consequences. The people are whipped into a frenzy of fear until they cry out: “Something must be done!” And just when all seems lost, the resolution appears, being provided, not entirely through coincidence, by inventors of the problem. Naturally, the solution is always effective because no problem can be more reliably solved than one which does not exist.
Nine hundred years ago the Altomec Indians of Central Mexico were grappling with a similarly grave predicament. Starting in mid summer, the days were becoming noticeably shorter, until it seemed that they would vanish altogether, hurling the people into perpetual darkness and cold.
The priesthood, eager to elevate its prestige and power, proposed a brilliant solution to this dire situation. They decreed that a sacrifice to the sun god, wherein living hearts would be ripped from unlucky enemy warriors, would bring about a reversal of the sun’s decline. When implemented, this ceremony was 100 percent effective. It always produced the desired result, and the sacrifice of captured enemies did not seem like a high price to ensure the tribes’ survival.
Unfortunately, the time came when no captured enemy warriors were available for sacrifice. The ritual, now so important, could not be abandoned. It began to consume the tribes’ own people in growing numbers until it became a blood feast of unparalleled proportions. It is estimated that the lives of one million people were ultimately sacrificed to ensure the return of the summer sun.
Since we live in a more enlightened time—it is not politically correct to rip out people’s hearts — our handlers must content themselves by merely ripping the heart out of our economy. Nothing more than fossil fuels can lay claim as the “heart” of our civilization; they propel all of our production, commerce, and growth. The ripping will start slowly at first, just a little tax here and some minor limits there, but as people become conditioned to sacrifice, more and more will be consumed to appease the “God of Global Warming”.
Ultimately, when the earth begins to cool, as unbiased geologists tell us it must (After all, we are statistically in the final stages of an unusually warm interval between glacial periods), the messengers of deceit who would be our masters will gloat over having saved us from our “fiery fate”. But then a very real problem will arise: How to keep an impoverished population from freezing and starving as the glaciers march toward the equator.
The entire global warming scenario is predicated on complex computer climate models that are full of assumptions and unknowns. Anyone with scientific training knows their accuracy is limited by the skill of the programmers as well as the validity of the model and the input data. In general, a physical process must be completely understood before a reliable computer simulation can be achieved.
We have devoted tremendous effort and billions of dollars to the computer modeling of short and long range climate variation. Despite years of empirical data and banks of super computers, our ability to predict weather even 10 days out is only marginally better than chance. With this disappointing level of success it is absurd to think that we can predict trends never before seen hundreds of years into the future. This is hardly a rational basis for the formulation of global energy and economic policy.
There are plenty of real challenges to life on this planet if we want to address risks that have a proven existence outside of cyberspace. Meteor impacts, for example, have regularly wreaked environmental devastation on a massive scale, sometimes destroying over half of existing life forms in a single event. We have some technology to minimize this demonstrated danger, but it is ignored for the most part, perhaps because it does not offer the prospect of a massive bureaucracy with a global reach. Sadly, the coming global warming taxes and regulations will squander our wealth and drain our productivity without any return on investment, thus decreasing our ability to cope when a real crisis threatens.
We need to recognize the global warming hysteria for what it is: A trumped up crisis manufactured by a virulent secular quasi-religious movement for the purpose of imposing its beliefs on the worldwide population by force of law. The Global Warming they threaten will never come, but the devastation it promises is knocking at our door.

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