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Free swim week at the Aquatics Center


"Lifeguards train at the new aquatics center. At left, Troylyn Bentley, Marilyn Collard, Aaron Knighton, Dakota McArthur, Stayler McOmie and Davi Bosshardt practice and train in the pool."

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The Emery County Aquatics Center is open this week Dec. 9-13 from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. for free swimming. The first group of lifeguards have been trained and they will be at the pool ready to go.
Pool employee Marilyn Collard has been doing the lifeguard training at the new pool. She was a manager and instructor at the Castle Dale pool. Collard is under the direction of pool manager Shannon Hiatt.
Collard is deeply involved in the pool and has a love of water and swimming which she hopes to instill in the young lifeguards taking her class.
The lifeguards were instructed in all manners of life saving techniques. She said their most important job is to scan the pool and watch the swimmers. The lifeguards will trade off at frequent intervals to keep their eyes fresh as they scan the pool. She taught them to scan the pool and not just watch the individual swimmers.
One important part of the pool that needs to be scanned as part of the process is the bottom of the pool. She told the lifeguards to always observe the bottom of the pool to always watch for anyone who may be at the bottom in need of help.
The lifeguards must pass off many requirements before they can become certified lifeguards. In the first round of training the following people took the class: Ryan Thompson, Annette Hatch, Davi Bosshardt, Stayler McOmie, Aaron Knighton, Troylyn Bentley, Jessica Labrum and Dakota McArthur.
The second class will begin next week and those taking that class will include: Nicholas Rhoten, Tammy Oliverson, Mindi Labrum, Sabrina Wood, Chance Ariotti, Brady Jensen, John Conder and Nikki Rogers. Drew Sitterud will also take the lifeguard class.
Yearly passes for the pool can be purchased at a reduced cost during the free swim week afterwhich they will go to their regular prize. The passes are good for 365 days from date of purchase.

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