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News from around the county: Huntington

By TINA OLIVER Staff Write

In the recent meeting of the Huntington City Council there were two public hearings scheduled, one on the Black/Cowley property annexation and one concerning the city’s plans to apply for Community Impact Board funding for improvements at the city cemetery.
The Black/Cowley annexation hearing was discussed by the council and the public hearing was closed.
In the public hearing for the city cemetery improvements Councilperson Julie Jones talked about the improvements that need to be made. Jones stated the sprinkling system needs to be split to efficiently be able to water the cemetery. The way it is set up now it causes over watering in some areas while other spots do not get the water they need.
Additionally, the way it was installed has all the sprinkling heads on the same line and it should not have been installed like that.The holding pond is leaking and needs to be fixed and she would like to see the south end of the cemetery cleaned up and possibly fenced off. The council agreed they need to have a better estimate of overall costs and bids on the sprinkling system and they will proceed from there.
The Huntington City treasurer addressed the council and thanked them for sending her to the training classes at the Treasurers Institute. She told them that the training is very useful. She talked about how in the classes they had been asked to caution their cities about the state of the economy. Cities need to take into consideration because of the economy, sales tax revenues are down, interest rates are down and cities will find themselves in trouble and low on funds if they fail to recognize this now. Everyone needs to step back and make sure they are not spending money on things that are not absolutely necessary.
During council department reports Councilperson Jones talked about needing more time and money for the task of cemetery care and maintenance, Councilman Bob Mills said the secondary water was shut off for the winter, Councilman Travis Larsen talked about the success of the fall clean-up and councilman Jerry Livingston said that all of the road projects scheduled for this season have been completed.Councilperson Cathy Cowley talked about the completion of the skate park and it was open and the kids really seemed to be enjoying it.
In other business the Black/Cowley annexation was approved. The Emery Telcom Video franchise was approved with the understanding that no more overhead lines can be added. Approval was granted for a power source at the rodeo grounds. They also approved a motion for an upgrade on a street light at 402 North and 300 East.
The next Huntington City Council meeting will be held on Dec. 17 at 6:30 p.m. in the Huntington City Hall.

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