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Wildland use fire on Monticello Ranger District

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San Juan County, Utah … Recent lightning storms have ignited several wildfires on the Monticello Ranger District in Southeast Utah. With the increased moisture on the forest, local district managers have decided to use some of these wildfires for resource benefits within the forest boundaries. Currently only the North Point incident is being managed as a wildland fire use (WFU). Other lightning fires may be added based on similar fire conditions.
The North Point WFU is approximately one acre in size on the lower bench of North Long Point above the Dark Canyon Wilderness, southwest of Big Spring and southeast of Sweet Alice Hills.
The Manti-La Sal Fire Management Officer, Colt Mortenson is managing the incident and reports that under current conditions the fire may increase in size but will likely remain small and have limited impact on forest visitors.
WFU incidents are managed for ecosystem benefits in areas where fire suppression has disrupted the historical fire regime. Allowing fire back into the ecosystem creates mosaic vegetative patterns that enhance plant and wildlife diversity such as: germination of seeds, reduction of dead and diseased trees, increase of grass and forbs, and improving general forest health.
Continue to report new wildfires to the Moab Interagency Fire Center at (435) 259-1850. For additional Utah wildfire information go to www.utahfireinfo.gov.

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