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Report outlines recommendations regarding CEU’s future

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The College of Eastern Utah (CEU) met on Thursday to hear the recommendations from Dr. Mike Petersen’s report on the future success of the college. Though controversial, the report recommends that CEU become a quasi-autonomous institution affiliated with Utah State University within the Utah System of Higher Education.
“The quasi autonomous status will preserve and strengthen CEU [so that CEU can] continue to respond to local needs,” said Dr. Petersen.
The report outlines various steps of what will happen if and when the merger happens, as well as the course of action needed to end many of CEU’s looming woes. According to Dr. Petersen, the report focuses mainly on the financial and educational issues surrounding the school. Petersen also indicated that he has not been able to come to a general consensus as to what should be done.
The report is scheduled to be presented to the Commissioner of Higher Education and the Board of Regents on May 29. Interim President Mike King indicated that the report will likely be followed by more discussion.
Please check our website at www.ecprogress.com tomorrow for further details regarding this report.

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