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Castleland Resource Conservation and Development week

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The Castleland Resource Conservation and Development Council joins the 375 RC&D councils across the country in celebrating “RC&D Week,” Sept. 19 – 25. RC&D Week was declared in recognition of the anniversary of the designation of the first 10 RC&D areas. In the past 45 years the program has grown from 10 designated areas to 375 designated areas that cover more than 85 percent of the United States and its territories.
James Sipperly, President of the National Association of Resource Conservation and Development Councils, expressed appreciation to the thousands of RC&D Council members who celebrate the national community service that RC&D Councils provide to America.
The Castleland RC&D council has partnered with the Skyline Cooperative Weed Management area. This year Skyline CWMA has completed eight chemical treatment projects, co-sponsored a weed workshop and a tour where “Cows Ate Weeds”, and printed and distributed the educational “Weeds of Utah” calendar.
The Skyline CWMA meets monthly to plan, coordinate, and organize to get the most out of their combined resources in this cooperative effort.
Skyline CMWA has been working together for eight years-they know the meaning of the word cooperation. The group includes the following active partners: Carbon and Emery Weed Departments, BLM, USFS; Utah Forestry, Fire and State Lands, UDAF, USU Extension, UACD; Price River, San Rafael, and Green River Conservation Districts, UDWR, UDOT, NRCS and the Castleland RC&D Council, Inc.
Castleland RC&D council has also worked with the Price River Enhancement committee to eradicate Russian olive and Tamarisk along the river.
Council member, Jeanne McEvoy also attended the National Leadership forum in Washington, D. C., where she educated the congressional representatives and received training on how to improve Castleland RC&D’s business stature.
Sam Cunningham, Chairman of the local RC&D council, said “The strength of RC&D is that local people create solutions for local needs. In these times of economic downturn, RC&D councils are invaluable in solving community problems in conservation and community development. Our RC&D council is far too important to go unnoticed in our community.”
Resource Conservation and Development Councils are made up of volunteers who serve their communities in all 50 states and US territories. RC&D councils identify, address and solve the challenges needed to sustain and improve the quality of life in their own communities. To learn more about RC&D councils, visit http://www.rcdnet.org.

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