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Lamb fry to benefit cancer victim


"Daphne Young."


The Emery County lamb fry is returning this week to the fair on Friday and Saturday. The lamb fry is back by popular demand. This year Kent Wilson from BK’s will spearhead the event. Wilson said, “The county asked us to help keep the tradition on the lamb fry alive. We agreed and thought it would be a great opportunity to use as a fund raiser for our granddaughter who is presently undergoing treatment for leukemia.”
The lamb fry will include lamb or marinated turkey breast, baked beans, scones, corn and watermelon. The event will be held at the fairgrounds in Castle Dale. On Friday evening it will begin at 4 p.m. until 7 p.m. On Saturday they will begin serving after the parade at 11 a.m. and continue throughout the day while there is entertainment in the park. Prices are $10 per plate for lamb and $8 for turkey for adults and children under 12 are $5 per plate. There will also be a separate ala carte booth where you can purchase lamb or a scone or individual menu items.
The following is an excerpt from a previous article in which Daphne’s mother Chelsie Young tells of Daphne’s condition: Chelsie Young spoke to the relay meeting participants. She said she had a hard time thinking of what to say. She has recently developed a relationship with cancer that she never wanted. She knew about cancer, her grandma had cancer, she remembers jars in the communities for Wylie Nelson and others with cancer; her friend Jennifer had cancer. But cancer really hit home May of 2010.
In February, Young was brushing her young daughter Daphne’s teeth when she felt a lump on her daughter’s neck. She panicked and called her husband. Tests were performed and the doctor was not too worried about it. Daphne was put on high doses of an antibiotic which she had a terrible reaction to and developed a severe case of hives. Along that same time, Daphne tripped over a rug and broke her arm. Shortly after that she fell off a small foot stool and broke her leg. The lump continued to grow and became very discolored so it was decided the lump on her neck would be removed through surgery. It was only after that surgery, when her oxygen levels would not come up, that a blood test was done and she was soon diagnosed with leukemia and immediately transported to Primary Children’s hospital by ambulance. So there she was, this little 3 year old with blonde curly hair, covered in hives, a big bandage on her neck, a cast on her arm and a cast on the opposite leg. Daphne was diagnosed with pre B cell ALL on her mother’s birthday. The lump on her neck was completely unrelated to the leukemia.
“There is an 80 percent overall survival rate with ALL but that has been increased to 95 percent because she is low risk and has responded perfectly to her treatments. She has come a long way in 15 months. She did lose all of her hair and was such a good sport about it. The first six months of treatment were difficult. She needed physical therapy because of the broken leg and inactivity and the weight gain from the steroids. You would never know it now. We’d rather not do this, but we are doing well. There are so many kinds of cancer. You can’t run and hide from cancer. I can’t not do anything. So that’s why I’m here. We need to do what we can to help others,” said Young.
Come out and support the lamb fry and help out the Young family, who is in need at this time.
Emery County Fair appreciates Kent Wilson for taking the time to sponsor the lamb fry.

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