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NRCS Wildlife Conservation Programs Open House
The Natural Resources Conservation Service Wildlife Conservation Programs open house is scheduled for April 12 from 6:30-8 p.m. at the Utah State University — College of Eastern Utah Alumni Room in Price
Second Annual Darrell Gardner run/walk
May 7, registration begins 7-8 a.m. at the Emery High track, $10 without a shirt, $15 with a shirt. Proceeds given to scholarship in Darrell’s name. For more information go to myeccf.org.
Services at Mission San Rafael
Palm Sunday, April 17 at 12:45 p.m.
Good Friday, April 22 at 7 p.m.
Easter Sunday, April 24 at 1 p.m.
Food Handler’s Classes
Emery County:
Castle Dale – April 20, May 11 and June 15 – 4 and 7 p.m. Southeastern Utah District Health Dept. 25 W. Main (next to Boyd’s Pharmacy).
Green River, May 4 – 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Green River City Office, 240 E. Main.
Carbon County: April 19, May 10, and June 14. 9 a.m., 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. each day. Southeastern Utah District Health Dept. 28 S. 100 E. in Price.
The cost is $15 (cards are good for three years). Classes are two hours long. Current cards are required for all people working in, but limited to restaurants, bars, nursing homes, school cafeterias, convenience, stores, deli’s and The Department of Agriculture Cottage Food Rule. For more information call 435-381-2252.
Calling all Cleveland crafters and artisans
Cleveland Town will be hosting a Spring Expo at the Cleveland Fire Station 130 W. Main on April 30, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
As part of the Expo there will be a “Cleveland’s Own” crafters booth available for Cleveland residents interested in selling unique handcrafted items. For more information please contact Melissa Jensen 653-2858 or Amber Minchey 653-2648.
Entertainment Needed
April 30 is the Second Annual “Spring Expo”in Cleveland. We are looking for all sorts of entertainment; such as dancing, playing an instrument, singing, and many other talents. The time slots are every half an hour all day long. Please call Melissa Allred if you would like to fill a time slot. 653-2868
Miss Congeniality Pageant
Aug. 2-6, Castle Dale. Winner will recieve $1,500 scholarship, gifts, crown, and will compete at Miss Utah 2012.
For more information about this pageant please contact: Laurie Pitchforth 435-749-2127 or e-mail pitchforth@co.emery.ut.us
Cleveland Fire Department’s Second Annual
Spring Expo
The Cleveland Fire Department will sponsor the Second Annual Spring Expo on April 30, at the Cleveland Fire Station from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. There will be vendors, food, raffle, prizes and entertainment throughout the day. More information including vendor contacts call 653-2310 or 653-2679.
Buckhorn Archers Ninth Annual 3-D Shoot
May 13th – 12 until 6 p.m.
May 14th – 9 a.m. until 4 p.m.
Bear Creek Campground, Huntington Canyon Competition- $30 50/50 pay back
Fun Shoot- $10
Win a Diamond Razor Edge Bow, one chance to win for every round paid for.
For more Info Contact Randy at 749-3393, rolorent@etv.net.
AJ at 749-2669 Brook at 749-1096 or Lori at 749-1920.
Pack a lunch and plan on spending the day with us.
Narcotics Anonymous
Drug Problem? We can help. We’re Narcotics Anonymous.
Wednesday evenings 7 p.m. 765 Valley View Drive Castle Dale.
Drug Tip Hotline
Report any suspicious activity to 381-2888. You can remain anonymous.
Alcoholics Anonymous
An AA meeting will be held every Tuesday night at 7 p.m. in Ferron at the Senior Center, 190 N. 300 W. For information call Paul -749-9697 or Jan – 384-2773.
Volunteer Drivers needed for Veteran’s Shuttle
Volunteer drivers are needed to transport Veterans to and from their medical appointments. This seven passenger van travels from the Price community to the George E. Wahlen VA Medical Center in Salt Lake City. Here is an opportunity for you to show your appreciation to those who have served our country. Volunteer drivers provide a vital service with the satisfaction of helping our heroes. You need to be dependable, have a decent driving record and in good health. For more information, contact Heide at 1-800-613-4012, extension 2003.
Huntington Youth City Council
Come and Join! Any and all youth ages 12-18 are encouraged to join the Youth City Council. For questions contact Julie Jones at 749-0674.
Youth Council meetings are held at the Huntington City Hall at 4:30 p.m. the last Thurs. of each month.
The Huntington Youth City Council will be putting on a live nativity Scene (yes! real people and animals) Dec. 10, 17 and 18 from 6-8 p.m. at the Huntington City Hall.
Emery County Recreation & Emery County Sheriff’s Search & Rescue Team
Introduce Rappelling Classes
The Emery County Rec. Department and the Emery County Sheriff’s Search & Rescue Team are teaming up to provide rappelling outings to groups, whether its family, friends or you can join us on your own for a day trip rapelling until your heart’s content.
Cost: $25 pr person with a minimum group size of 10. This will be offered year roun (weather depen
A Rapelling instructor(s) and all rapelling gearwill be provided.
For information contact Gaylee Jeffs, Emery County Recreation District Office. 435-381-2108.
Flour Mill Preservation Orginization
Anyone wanting to be a part of the restoration of the Huntington Flour Mill call Julie at 749-0674
Ready To Serve? Ages 17-42
Looking for a rewarding and challenging career? Over 150 jobs. Starting Salary $13 and up per hour. Free medical, free dental, free housing with all utilities paid, 30 days paid vacation yearly. Call 877-810-8328 ask for SSG Bertagnolli with the U.S. Army.
“Adopt A Room”
Dear Emery County Businesses, groups and community members,
We need your help. The new Emery County Children’s Justice Center is ready for adoption. There are a total of six rooms in the center and three of them still need your care. We have a play room, an interview room and a kitchen that needs some TLC. Our yard is also in need of adoption. So if you are one of the lucky participants not only do you get to decorate, furnish, and name the room, or maybe plant a seed, you will recieve a tax write-off and your uthe room or yard you adopted. And most important, you will make a difference in a childs life!
For more information please contact Kizzy or Shelley at 435-636-3735 (Shelley Wright), 435-636-3737 (kizzy Ellington).
Please hurry and make this home a happy home
Need Help Paying For Your Prescriptions?
Your local medicare counselor may be able to help.
Is your yearly individual income $16,245 or less?
Are your individual assets limited to $12,510 or less?
Do you have questions regarding your current Rx plan?
If you answered yes to any of these questions contact your local Medicare Counselor for an appointment by calling 1-435-637-4268 ext. 714.
Orangeville Youth City Council
Youth City Council has a new advisor, Carmen Humphrey. The council is open to youth in Orangeville 7 through 12 grades.
Applications are available at the city hall, library and at Emery High School. Please come and join in for the fun and opportunities that are available to the youth. You can contact Carmen at 748-5674 or call city hall 748-2651.
Free Resource Makes Applying for Student Financial Aid Easier
Self-guided presentation walks students through the sometimes-confusing financial aid application process. The Utah Higher Education Assistance Authority is very pleased to announce “Navigating the FAFSA,” a much-needed new resource to help students complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (commonly called the “FAFSA”). This tool is a self-directed presentation that guides students through topics explaining the purpose of the FAFSA, how to obtain a PIN to sign their FAFSA securely online, what information should be gathered, how to complete the FAFSA, and how to submit it. Easily found on the front page of the UHEAA website, this presentation gives high school counselors and financial aid professionals another tool to help their students. To access the presentation go to http://www.uheaa.org/ and click on the “Navigating the FAFSA” button. The presentation can also be found through UHEAA’s Facebook page. ble on line.
Attention Emery County Residents
Do you have a friend or a loved one who is serving in the military in a combat zone? If so, Operation Home Support would like to add their names to their list. Once on the list, the ladies of Operation Home Support take it upon themselves to send these soldiers care packages and letters to let them know they are appreciated and loved. So if you have someone in mind, or know of someone who is serving in a combat zone in any branch of the military, please contact Jan Hess or Dixie Swasey to add their name to the list. Thank you for all of your help and support. American Legion Auxilary Unit 42 Jan Hess 435-384-2753 or Dixie Swasey 435-384-3172.
Addiction Recovery Help
Narconon reminds parents that abuse of addictive pharmaceutical drugs with youth is on the rise. Learn to recognize the signs of drug abuse and get your kids help if they need it. Call Narconon for a free brochure on the signs of addiction for all classes of drugs. Narconon also offers free addiction counseling, assessments and referrals to rehabilitation centers. 877-413-3073 or www.drugsno.com
To donate DVDs to veterans who otherwise do not have access to them, visit www.dvds4vets.org. For more information call Laurance at 1-914-835-3673.
Power Wheelchairs Available
The Senior Wheels USA Program makes available power wheelchairs to senior citizens and the permanently disabled at no cost to the recipient, if they qualify. The power wheelchairs are provided to those who can no longer walk safely, nor self propel a manual wheelchair and who meet the additional guidelines of the program. If the patient’s need is for use in the home, call for more information to see if they qualify. Call toll free 1-800-246-6010.
Drug Rehab Resource
Problems with a drug or alcohol addiction in a loved one? Don’t know whom to turn to for help? Contact Drug Rehab Resource for a free confidential consultation to find the help you need. Call today 1-866-649-1594 or find out more at www.drugrehabresource.net.
Seniors and Disabled Struggling with Debt
The DCSD legal service is designed to help seniors and disabled people who cannot afford to hire an attorney to file for bankruptcy, but need legal representation to get collectors to stop harassing them, Call 1-800-992-3275 Ext. 1304 with any questions.
Medical Help for Children
Utah families with children in need of medical services or medical equipment needs not fully covered by health insurance can apply to the United HealthCare Children’s Foundation for up to $5,000 in medical assistance grants online at www.uhccf.org
Bible Study
Bible studies are being conducted by the Seventh-day Adventists of Emery County on Saturdays from 9:30 a.m.-noon at the home of Robert and Elsie Law, 1065 East 300 North (Bench Road), Ferron. Everyone is welcome to come. For more information, call 384-2424 or 384-2447.
Local Veterans Employment Representative
A local veterans employment representative visits the Castle Dale DWS Office the first Wednesday of each month. Appointments can also be arranged on other days by contacting Steve Wilkinson at (435) 636-2343. The LVER is also available Monday through Friday at Department of Workforce Services, 475 West Price River Drive, for questions about VA benefits, assistance with VA applications, employment assistance and other veterans issues. If you have questions about your benefits or eligibility for benefits, contact Steve Wilkinson at 636-2343.
Power Wheelchairs
The Three Wishes Inc. Program makes available power (electric) wheelchairs to senior citizens (65 years and older) and the permanently disabled at no cost to the recipient, if they qualify. Call toll free at 1-800-817-1871.
CASA Volunteers Needed
Each year hundreds of children in Emery and Carbon counties become wards of the juvenile court system due to child abuse, neglect or abandonment. The child welfare system can only devote so much time and attention to each individual case and, consequently, to each individual child. CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) Volunteers are ordinary men and women who find it in their hearts and their schedules to help these abused and neglected children. Those interested in volunteering should contact Kerrie, the CASA coordinator at 435-381-5595.
Angels Have Wheels
All Medicare recipients should now be aware that if they suffer from conditions such as arthritis, cardiovascular disease, and respiratory disorders, and have difficulty walking or propelling a standard wheelchair, they maybe eligible to receive an electric wheelchair paid for by Medicare. For information on Medicare eligibility contact Gregory at 1-800-810-2877.
Help With Inhalers
The in home Rx programs makes available breathing medications and nebulizers to patients who may have asthma, emphysema or COPD at no cost to the recipient, if they qualify. Call 1-800-344-5764 or visit the web site www.inhomerx.com for more information on the details of this program.
Senior Mobility
The Senior Mobility Program makes available to senior citizens and the permanently disabled, power electric wheelchairs at no cost to the recipient, if they qualify. Call 1-800-451-0971 to see if you qualify.
Utah Valley Cancer Center
Utah Valley Cancer Center, located at Utah Valley Regional Medical Center has a new toll-free phone number. Anyone can call 1-866-549-3800 to schedule an appointment, get information about local cancer support groups or to find out more about IHC cancer services and physicians. Hours are 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Power Wheelchairs
The Senior Wheels USA Program makes available power (electric) wheelchairs to senior citizens (65 years and older) and the permanently disabled at no cost to the recipient, if they qualify. Call toll free at 1-800-246-6010.
Free Wheelchairs to the Disabled
The Wheelchair Foundation, Intermountain Healthcare, and the George S. and Dolores Dore Eccles Foundation are partnering to distribute free wheelchairs to disabled Utahns. Persons interested in getting a free wheelchair can call 1-877-387-3839, or apply at www.wheelchairfoundation.org/utah
Salvation Army
Donations are needed from Emery County residents to the Emery Chapter of the Salvation Army which provides emergency assistance for the people of Emery County as well as people traveling through the area. Mail donations to the Emery County Sheriff’s Office, Box 281, Green River, Utah 84525 or Emery County Sheriff’s Office, Box 817, Castle Dale, Utah 84513. For information, contact Cheryl Keener at 435-564-3432.
WWII Veterans
Seeking Officers, Enlisted Men, WACs, Cadets, Britons, Civilians and /or their families and friends who were stationed at Cochran Field, or lived in Macon, Georgia during WWII, who would be willing to contribute artifacts, photos, articles and stories pertaining to their experience with the men and women working there. If so, Please contact: Mike Rowland, Archivist, WR-LC/MU, 1942 Heritage Blvd., Robins AFB GA 31098-2442.

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