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School board hears report for Canyon View Junior High


"Principal Jim Jones."

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The Emery School board met for their October meeting at Canyon View Junior High. Principal Jim Jones gave a report on the school. He mentioned all the staffing changes recently at the school. Peter Moulton-US History, Utah Studies, Spanish and honor society advisor; Dani McDermott-ninth and seventh grade language arts; Deana Jennings, CTE intro and computer technology; Rachelle Shannon, educational assistant; McKette Sitterud, educational assistant and Megan Durrant-Librarian.
Other teachers receiving new assignments this year include: Yvonne Jensen-ninth grade science and girls basketball coach; Andy Pollaehne-seventh grade math; Cassie Taylor-Remedial Math all grades; Ferd Allred-volleyball coach-Curt Collard-boys basketball coach.
Projects completed this year at Canyon View include a new classroom in the old greenhouse. A new computer lab; new lighting in the gym and weight room. Computers were added in the remedial math room, resource room and the new classroom.
Principal Jones said one of the focuses outlined in the school improvement plan is the increasing of writing by the students. Writing competency will be emphasized in all classes at the school. The direct writing assessment scores have gone from 82 percent in 2009 to 63 percent in 2011. Teachers have noticed a steady decline in the quality of writing assignments turned in by students. Principal Jones said a Deseret News article pointed out that only one/fourth of middle school age students write well.
Yvonne Jensen is taking an active role in helping the school raise the test scores for writing. “Students need to be proficient in writing to be successful in all subjects. Rose Card has come into our school to work with our faculty on improving writing in all areas of the students education. We are incorporating this into all of our classrooms. We are adding a writing component to science. The teachers are excited about learning strategies to help students become writers. Students are writing in their journals at school each day. We will keep this process going all through the school year. We are also working on character building and not cheating. We have the readers and writers club which encourages more writing projects,” said Jensen.
Superintendent Kirk Sitterud asked for approval for Jeff Coombs as a bus driver and Lisa Hooley and Breezy McElprang as special education assistants.
The board approved the field trip and excursion mileage allotments.
The board approved a new policy JL1A which states students in timeout situations or detention must be supervised. The board approved a school trustland fund revision for San Rafael Junior High. The revision reinstates the homework class and a portion will go to audio books for classroom use.
Superintendent Sitterud reported that the schools must submit a school improvement plan and a staff development plan each year. They also need a reading plan at the elementary level and a child access routing plan for getting the children to school.
Superintendent Sitterud said the enrollment numbers keep changing, on Sept. 5 it showed the district was up 50 students. On Oct. 1 it showed the district was down 12 students. The SIS numbers on Oct. 1 said enrollment was up eight. Ferron Elementary has lost 40 students this past year, mainly due to the closing of the Consol mine. Twenty-three of those have been lost since Sept. 5. Enrollment is down 14 at Bookcliff Elementary and down 23 at Canyon View. The district has lost some students to the charter school. Cottonwood Elementary is up 22 students. “You could say we are holding even, although different schools are seeing dips or gains. LuAnn Sorensen has received an excellence in teaching award which will be presented at UEA,” said Superintendent Sitterud.
The next school board meeting will be Nov. 7 at Cottonwood Elementary at 7 p.m.

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